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Science in LHFHG and BLHFHG

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:03 pm
by susie in ms
Okay, first let me say that it is perfectly fine if you want to call me crazy.....I am trying to improve on perfection, I know that. :shock: But my science loving self wants my lo to have so many experiences while she is at the age that science is still fun, and not drudgery.

Here's the deal. At first I was gonna do MFW-K between LHTH and LHFHG because the maturity level of reading and comprehension in MFW-K is below that of Lil Hearts. Well upon further investigation I see that most of the science topics covered in MFW are also in Lil Hearts. So she would be getting those topics two years in a row. THEN I notice that the table of contents of the science book used in Beyond is the EXACT same as the one used for Lil Hearts. So that would be 3 years with almost all the same topics. Sigh. :?

So my wonderful intelligent brain came up with the idea of combining MFW-K science projects with the matching topics in Lil Heart. THEN I got to thinking if I take those projects, and do them while doing Lil Hearts then I may be doing projects scheduled for Beyond!! :o

Somebody HELP!!! I am a mad woman at this point!! For example: when covering leaves in unit 27 day 5 I have a sticky that I placed there with leave pressing, leaf rubbing, stain glass leaf with broken crayons, and read Why Do Leaves Change Colors. Not all on the same day of course, but will I be doing stuff scheduled in Beyond? I have looked at samples of the science book, and see that it looks like the same topics covered in more detail. I assume that the same goes for the guide too.

Now I know that I am safe in adding a Pea Tee-pee to my list of science projects because most folks don't have bamboo polls laying around. :lol: And Carrie is very careful to structure this program for the busy mom, and uses commonly owned materials.

So you guys who have used both programs...what say you? Do you tell a science loving mad woman to back off and let the science projects scheduled lead where they may, or am I okay adding ( keeping in mind that I will NOT stress my dd!!! This will be slow and fun!!) more projects to Lil Hearts?

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:10 pm
by beandip71
I just finished doing Little Hearts with my dd last week and I did add in some of my own stuff for science. My dd loves animals so we would get books from the library about animals and I would read them to her. I would also find coloring pages for her and she would narrate back to me what she learned about each animal. I only added this because she really enjoyed it. She is also very proud of her science notebook that has all of her coloring pages and narrations.

I am planning on using Beyond in the fall and will probably not add anything to begin with. I have a feeling the activites in it will be enough for her. HTH!


Re: Science in LHFHG and BLHFHG

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:28 pm
by Melanie
susie in ms wrote: Here's the deal. At first I was gonna do MFW-K between LHTH and LHFHG because the maturity level of reading and comprehension in MFW-K is below that of Lil Hearts. Well upon further investigation I see that most of the science topics covered in MFW are also in Lil Hearts. So she would be getting those topics two years in a row. THEN I notice that the table of contents of the science book used in Beyond is the EXACT same as the one used for Lil Hearts. So that would be 3 years with almost all the same topics. Sigh. :?
I have looked at samples of the science book, and see that it looks like the same topics covered in more detail. I assume that the same goes for the guide too.
Oh my dear friend Susie....I did threaten to come track you down once before! :lol: You are not crazy, but you might be if you keep working at it like this!!!!

Ok...first, you are not going to kill the love of science in your sweet Hannah, so relax and put that thought out of your head...don't let that cross your mind again (or at least try.... :wink: ).

I did do MFW k before Little Hearts (not on purpose, just didn't know about HOD). We did all the stuff in MFW and we've done all the science stuff in Little Hearts. Not once...not once....did my kiddos say anything about doing this before. We enjoyed all of the science in Little Hearts!

I believe that all 3 of the CLP science books have the exact table of contents, but you are correct, they are in much more detail and actually cover different aspects of those topics....nothing is repeated.

I'm going to go off on a tangent here (maybe b/c I have severe PMS or could be I just get defensive of HOD :lol: ) but the science gets called into question a lot and Carrie has gone into great detail with her reasoning in many post and I totally agree with her on this. I was a 1st grade teacher for 9 years and we did not teach science. My kids love science and already have a great understanding of God's creation and I have not done anything more that what was mentioned above.

When I first found Little Hearts, I felt as you do now...I wanted to add to it. I tried to add just one other storybook and we quickly dropped that. It was not needed at all. I was losing the point of short lessons and the CM philosopy.

So long story short....I would not add anything to Little Hearts. There will be plenty of time for more in depth science in later years and, hey, then they might even remember some of it for college! :lol:

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:40 pm
by susie in ms
Gina that sounds like a lovely idea. I know you dd enjoyed it all! :D

Now Melanie, I knew that you would be coming after me so I conveniently did not disclose my new UNDERGROUND location!! So back off, sister!! :lol:

I do realize that the science and crafts in Lil Hearts is more than sufficient that is why I call it perfection. :wink: I LOVE what is in there!! I guess that I am just afraid that, over the years, we are gonna miss something. You see, I am more of a -build an Eiffel Tower in your living room- kinda person and less of the construction paper and beans person, BUT I see the benefits of both. I want my child (when older) to make a rag rug, make egg shell mosiacs, sew a doll, grow a Pea Tee-pee, watch butterflies morph, cook a Greek meal, etc. Now I know that this can be added in our own time, BUT I want these things to fit into our school lessons. I just have to figure out how to do it.

So the MFW stuff is the more simplified (age appropriate) versions of projects. Ant farms, make butter, sprout beans, make a bird feeder, etc Oh and some of the K ideas I have are not in the MFW-K book, but were posted by some of the other users. Giving credit where it is due.

So, you think if I accidentally repeat some of the projects 2 years in a row, my dd won't hate me or science? :lol:

I am ducking from the tomatoes!! :lol: :lol: I mean you did MFW-K and then Lil Hearts, so you repeated. :wink:

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:53 pm
by Melanie
You are cracking me up!!!

I seriously needed some down time today, and have been missing you all lately, and Susie...this is what I have missed! LOL with my HOD sisters!!!

Ok, I will have to admit that I have fairly laid-back, easily entertained, rarely (if ever) bored kids....and, yes, I have been told this is not common. Keep that in mind, but I don't think anything was a repeat for them or "old-hat". We did pretty much everything in MFW k except the big stuff (like the huge dinosaur out of a grocery bag in the D unit, I am NOT a crafty, build huge things mom) but we did do all of the science stuff. We've actually done quite a few of the things you mentioned, but just as they have come up "in real life", not planned out in a curriculum. I think you probably will, too (just based on how you are!).

My dh is telling me to cut this off and get ready for Bible study....I'll chat with you later, but don't stress! We don't want Susie on Prilosec for her ulcers! :lol:

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 6:05 pm
by pjdobro
I looked at the books and you are correct that the TOC is very similar in The World God Made and God's Wonderful Works since they are both based on the 7 days of Creation. However, God's Wonderful Works is quite a bit longer and I'm sure more detailed. One thing you could do if you wanted, is use Our Father's World for LHFHG instead. It follows a little different format than the other two and is between the two in length. I haven't done LHFHG or Beyond yet though I have both guides and have only perused the LHFHG science explorations but I'm sure that the ones in Beyond will offer a different take on a subject even if it is on a similar topic. Since you are a planner, you might want to go ahead and get the Beyond guide so you can look through it ahead of time and make sure you won't be adding things that Carrie does later. If you don't want to get the Beyond guide yet, and later you find that you've done the same exploration already, then you can substitute in one of your own ideas. I have to smile because you sound way too much like me, planning the minute details and stressing over each one :wink: So I can relate to your craziness! :lol:

BTW, I love the leaves ideas. We have the book you mentioned and did a little mini unit on leaves last fall. Our library did leaf pressing on muslin in the spring and that was a really neat experience.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:03 pm
by crlacey
I did exactly like you did and thought the science was too light at first. Let me tell you that after adding more science, my DD was burnt out. So we took a break from school and then went back to the plans as written. This had lead to her asking for school in the mornings. Granted my DH tries do sciency type stuff in the evenings and weekends with her since he loves it, so that may be why the burnout. So just be careful not to add too much.

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:04 am
by susie in ms
Thanks for all of the post ladies!!
I like the mini unit idea too!
I took all of the ideas that I liked from different locations and plugged them in (via yellow sticky), and once spread out over the year they are a gentle addition. So all you ladies that think I will send Hannah Grace into a nervous break down rest assured she will be fine. Now for me, where is that Prilosec? :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:15 pm
by Lilyanna
It sounds like you are all settled on your plan, but I'll toss in my .02 anyhow! :lol:

Repetition of science concepts and experiments can be... FUN! :wink: My 6 1/2 yo still gets excited about gathering items for a round of "sink or float" experimentation. She still likes to do bark rubbings with paper and crayons. She'd probably still play with a bowl of soapy water and measuring cups if she could get the 4yo off the stool. She does all of these things at a different level than she did at age 4.

I think your little Hannah will pick up on your love of science and have fun. :wink:

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:23 pm
by Carrie

You make me laugh! :lol: You are a planner after my own heart. The ladies have already told you everything I would say! :D

I just wanted to mention that the projects in Preparing... do switch over to being more crafty type projects and that you do actually get to make a medieval meal complete with trenchers (which were stale bread plates). We keep it low key, but for all of you who love that type of thing Preparing.... is full of it! :D

I'm excited to make the various history projects that are in it, and I know my boys will love them too! You also get to make denarius coins, Renaissance necklaces from air-dry clay, Egyptian pastries, a map of the Silk Road, scytale messages in cryptography, a flipbook of Elijah at Mt. Carmel, a scroll like Hezekiah had, cave-painting, use invisible ink for the writing on the wall at Belshazzar's banquet, make a Greek trireme (which is a warship), make perfume, paint the star of Bethlehem, make a Roman mosaic, design a Viking brooch, make an illuminated manuscript for a Bible verse, and design your own relic box and relic (just to name a few)!


Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:20 pm
by susie in ms
Oh my goodness!! My heart just skipped a beat and now it is going all pitter patter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carrie, it ALL sounds soooooo wonderful!!!!!!! Now I just have to sit back and wait a few years for Hannah to do some growing! Hehe! :lol: I look forward to each year of HOD!!! Thanks for the list! I am printing it out!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:17 am
by holyhart
I loved this thread!!!

I am so excited about the stuff we will do this year that I'm TRYING not to let myself run wild with the stuff we will do in future years! All the stuff Carrie talked about in Preparing (I think???) sounds like SOOOOO much fun! :D

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:47 am
by Carrie
I'm so glad you ladies are excited about Preparing! :D Enthusiasm is half the battle. It's what keeps school interesting and exciting. If the momma isn't enthused, the kiddos won't be either! :wink:
