Here is the MTMM notebook as well as the state study stuff. At this point I put the presidents study in the main MTMM binder, but I may change my mind. I copied all the Map Trek maps ahead of time and put them in sheet protectors in their own section in the main binder. For my ds I also put numbers on the teacher's map so he can then just put the numbers on the student maps and not have to write all the labels. This way he can still do the map work independently. I got all the state stuff from the travel bureau at our homeschool convention, but as I put it together I realized I need a few more things that I will send away for.

For Science I put together a science notebook to hold his lab reports. I didn't make copies of the lab report forms because I have it scanned into the ipad, but most people will want to make copies of it ahead of time. I put The Elements in it's own binder. I ordered a lab coat and long gloves and we had the lab goggles already. I scanned through the list of supplies and the 2 things that looked like things I wouldn't have on hand or that weren't grocery items were denatured alcohol and steel wool. Just an FYI, you have to be 18 to buy the denatured alcohol. We got it at Lowe's.

I put together his English binder with room for seperate sections for Rod and Staff, Writing, Dictation and storytime bookmarks. Again my ds is doing the bookmarks a little differently so I didn't make multiple copies of the bookmarks, but that is something most people will want to do. My ds will do them on the Ipad and print them out. I also copied the dictation passages starting where we left off last year. He also will continue using his common place book from last year.

Here is a picture of all the supplies for the Nature Journaling with the exception of a set of broad tip markers and thin tip markers. I will get those at back to school sales. I bought finger painting paper to use as the semi-gloss paper. That is all I could figure out to use.

Hopefully this helps a little for those planning for MTMM this year. I look forward to sharing our year with others who are doing this guide.
Edited to add that one thing I realized I forgot was the 35 index cards for the Worthy Words box.