I agree that the science in RTR should be fine for a 7th grader!
As the other ladies wisely noted, the reading of the science independently ups the level. Likewise, as mentioned, the science requires much more reading than just the Astronomy book (including Child’s Geography: Explore His Earth, Along Came Galileo, Isaac Newton, and Exploring Planet Earth). Tiner alone ups the level immensely.
Another thing that ups the science ten-fold is the rotation of follow-up skills dc work through after each of their reading assignments...
Day 1: Create a science notebook entry that includes diagrams, scientific terms, and Biblical copywork.
Day 2: Alternate between oral and written narration to retell the science reading.
Day 3: Alternate between oral narration and a choice of written narration topics with accompanying vocabulary work.
Day 4: Conduct an experiment related to the reading and log it in a science notebook or on a copy of the “Science Lab Form” found in the Appendix.
And, for the units scheduling Exploring Planet Earth, students have to answer Tiner's provided questions on Days 1-3.
Finally, just the fact that students need to complete all of these assignments by independently reading and following multi-step directions in RTR's Science Exploration box ups the level as well. I LOVED this when my ds did this! He began to realize very quickly that if directions are not followed exactly, experiments go awry and conclusions are wrong.
Nothing teaches following multi-step directions better than doing science experiments (except possibly following a recipe, but then our ds learned that in RTR as well, thanks to some of the History Projects
). HTH put your mind at ease! I think you and your ds will enjoy RTR's science as much as my ds and I did!
In Christ,