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Poll: Ideally, how many hours of formal "school"

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:39 pm
by Carrie
do you feel are needed each day? (not including free time, recess, lunch, etc.) I know this varies greatly by age level, but I'd like to have your opinions in this area.

P.S. Believe me, there's no one right answer. This varies widely depending on family size, educational philosophy, and life's circumstances from year to year. So, what are your thoughts?


Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 12:12 pm
by inHistiming
When we used BLHFHG last year, it took us about 2 -2.5 hours to finish the work. Sometimes that did not include the read-aloud time. It was great t be able to finish before lunch and move on to other activities as we needed to. However, as children get older, I expect it to take longer because their work will get more involved and take more time. I think a goal of 4 hours would be wonderful! I am trying to decide if I want to use "Preparing" next year with my 8 & 10 year olds (that's how old they'll be then). Or do you think I should use Beyond? Anyway, 4 hours or less would be super.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 4:55 pm
by Melanie
I agree with inHistiming....4 hours (give or take) would be about right for a day.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:50 pm
by 6timeboymom
I think around 4 hours is good, too-my 8th grader usually takes about 5-6 for his work, but he does that to himself-he fancies himself a cartoonist and he doodles on everything! :-)
my 12 yr old is done in about 2 hours, my 9 yr old can be done in 2 hours if he stops whining long enough ( :lol: ) and my 7 yr old takes about 2.5 hours because he plays contortionist in his chair. my 4 yr old is done in about 45 min-1 hr and my 18 mo old is learning all day long! :-)

My problem with a stated completion time is that when it SAYS four hours, we generally take about double that. So what my 13 yr old does in 5 hours, the book says he "should" do in 10...kwim? so if I plan for 5 hours of work I end up with a 10 hour day of work. I always end up making his assignments cut in half so that effectively he's doing one day's work over a two day span. does that make sense? :-)

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 7:35 pm
by hippiechyck
depends on the child and age

with my older two, who are NIGHT and (8th grade) did all his work in 3 hours, the other one (5-6th grade) did one subject in that time

with my younger ones schooling now, we take 2.5-4 hours depending what we do (eight and 5)

i expect this to change soon, as i'll be working more individually with them now


Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 1:34 pm
by Busymomma1
We are doing LHFHG, and it roughly takes 2 to 2 1/2 hours, with some of the substitutions and/or additions I make, too. This is for Kindergarten age. In Ohio, the state "requires" 450 hours for K. Well, I've been keeping track of hours of most "educational" activities, like my DD reading on her own, or extra books we read to her, for example. Keeping track of field trips, ballet classes, etc, too. The state doesn't ask for any record of hours, interestingly enough. But I've been keeping track, since this is our first year HSing. Just wanted an idea.

Long story short, I see a lot of what can count to the requirements happens after "school" is done. But it NEVER is really done...they are always learning, it seems! That's what is awesome about HS!

under 4

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:21 pm
by netpea
We like to be done with both kids in 3 hours. This isn't always possible as my older one dawdles. But with other activities in our day we have trouble fitting in more than 3 hrs.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:11 pm
by water2wine
For my little ones 1 1/2 to 2 hours but that would include some activity type things like art. Fr my older to mid elementary I would say 4 would be good but in practice we do longer because we start with a long Bible study. So for that reason for our family 5-5 1/2 would be average and needed for what we do. But we are really adding on extra time and almost really an extra study.