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LA for 1st grader

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 4:25 pm
by TrueGRIT
Hello Ladies!

A bit of background, we are about halfway done with LHFHG (unit 18) and for the past couple months my second ds has been a bit bored. I need to continually add things in for him such as extra math, copywork, drawing, etc.
He just had his testing and he tested out of 1st and into second grade for language arts. He hasn't had any formal grammar, however he knew a bit about grammar usage and structure. I suppose he was listening to older brother more than I realized. He continually amazes me!

In many ways he is fully ready for Beyond, however I would prefer for him to finish out LHFHG. I need something to add in for him in LA area. I have thought of ETC, or doing the right side of Beyond. The only things about the latter is that he would be ready for the left side of Beyond around November. If possible I think it would be nice to wait and do both sides of the guide together, as is. I don't want to push him, but he is clearly ready for a little more.

He tested into 1st grade for math, as well, but that is easy to fix.

Thanks for any thoughts on this!

Re: LA for 1st grader

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 4:30 pm
by Mercy
Maybe just start the spelling with him for now. Spelling and dictation continue on at their own pass all the way through the guides. Thats one option. What about adding extra copy work in for him. I had my daughter write the mwmory verse each week. Or theres always the option to do the right side if beyond and then just head into bigger when u get there. Or start the rod and staff when you are done... just a few ideas.


Re: LA for 1st grader

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 6:22 pm
by MomtoJGJE
We added in Emerging Readers, and I let my dd go faster in math, handwriting and fine motor skills because she's the same way. She's just now 6.5, not compulsory until July and not technically considered 1st grade until September.

SO right now, she's in unit 25 of LHFHG but she's about halfway through the Beginners Bible, about 1/4 of the way through Singapore 1A, finished the fine motor skills books, and is halfway (well, next week will be) through the first grade option italic handwriting book.

It's nice to do things that don't necessarily need the next guide though... like the handwriting (or copywork when you get to that point) and the fine motor skills books... you don't need the Beyond guide to do extra work in those books. But if you already have the Beyond guide, it's really not too hard to add in the other things too. Spelling/LA and the ERs don't necessarily have to go along with any certain unit (even though they are listed that way)

Re: LA for 1st grader

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 9:28 am
by TrueGRIT
Thank you ladies for popping in with your ideas.

I think I will keep it simple for now. I plan to regularly add in copywork in the form of his Bible memory verse. He is already doing about 4 pages of math daily. If I don't schedule the extra work, he reads the page and does it anyway. I plan to get the next 'set' of R&S workbooks as soon as I can. He did enjoy doing the previous ones.
I like the idea of spelling words, but I believe I will make up a short list of 3-5 words based on the words he regularly asks about.

I feel that this way he would have extra work, but we won't be overwhelmed. I like the idea of saving any work in the Beyond guide for when we get there in the fall. If this isn't enough I do have the Beyond guide to look to. I also wanting him to finish TRL even though he reads pretty well. Then start the ER's when we start Beyond.

Thanks again! :D