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Looking for idea for home ec. course

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:34 pm
by igeagewalker
Today I was thinking about all the scholarly things my daughters have been doing since way young. And they do good. But I must admit, I have put school before household chores more than once. I am thinking as she get closer and closer to leaving for college, she needs to have some basic skills. So....I am looking for some ideas of what I should include in this self-created type of course -I probably wont even put it on her transcript. But if I could come of with a list/ideas of what she needs to know as a college person, and then what she needs to run a household. Finally, I am looking for a good book about marriage-what to expect in marriage and how to be a godly woman in marraige.

Alot to ask, I know. But if you have even one idea, I would LOVE it!

Thanks so much!!


Re: Looking for idea for home ec. course

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:34 pm
by snadig

I have read a few books by Elizabeth George on many of the things you are thinking about, and I also try to pray for those things. I also have my older kids doing their own laundry, cleaning their own bathrooms, and cooking at home and at church. Now I need to start getting them trained in the shopping and meal planning and budgeting. I am not very good at budgeting. :?

Hope this helps.

Re: Looking for idea for home ec. course

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:30 pm
by TrueGRIT
The Pearables books are quite helpful. They have books for older ones and books for younger ones on character training, responsibility, and the gentle quiet arts (homemaking). My children like these.
I actually have a longer list. I sent you a private message. You can check them out if you like.

Re: Looking for idea for home ec. course

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:36 pm
by snadig

The Pearable books sound good. Who is the author?

Re: Looking for idea for home ec. course

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:33 pm
by laughablemoments
You might like to take a look at Christian Light's Home Ec. course. There are 2 levels. Here is the first one: (Link removed by board moderator per board rules). It's pretty reasonably priced and quite thorough. I know a young lady who went through it and has saved all of the books to be able to refer back to them at a later date because the info was useful and pertinent.

Re: Looking for idea for home ec. course

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:57 pm
by joyfulhomeschooler
Have you looked at Polished Cornerstones? It's published by Doorposts. I am looking at it right now for my daughter (who is much younger). In the book it has a beginner, intermediate, and advanced area. I think your daughter would do really well age wise in the advanced level activities. So far I am loving what I see of it and plan on doing it with my daughter for at least two years. One at the younger end and then again when she is older. Sorry, rambling.. :) But I think it fits what you are asking.

Re: Looking for idea for home ec. course

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 6:47 am
by TrueGRIT
Pearables is also the name of the publisher. The author is not listed on the outside. In a small paragraph I found that her name is Anne White.
I found mine just by typing Pearables.
A friend has Polished Cornerstones and loves it, but plans to follow up with Pearables because she feels the latter adds a few more things in the end.
One of my favorite Pearable books is on building "Preparing Your Hope Chest".
You have had a lot of great suggestions. Have fun finding your plan. I have had a lot of fun studying these subjects and planning a 'curriculum' for my dc.
(and myself :D )

Re: Looking for idea for home ec. course

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 12:31 pm
by 8arrows
Large Family Logistics, Tryanny of the Urgent, Managers of their Homes, Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit, The Tightwad Gazette---These are some of the ones I will use to put together my own course. If my 15 daughter never picked up another "school book" but mastered the ability to run a household and be a Godly wife and mother, she would far surpass me. I think as homeschoolers we often get sucked into the secular trap that our girls and boys should be covering the same schoolwork. I have recently been convicted of this.

Re: Looking for idea for home ec. course

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 2:19 pm
by laughablemoments has good info for home management.