Idea for MTMM
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 6:03 am
I had an idea for MTMM that I will be implementing next year that I thought I would share in case it would be useful for anyone else. First a little background information. My dh and I saw the movie 42 last weekend and I came home and called my Dad telling him that he should go see it. My dad was born in 1927 so he remembers this time period well. He started telling me stories that I had never heard before about seeing Jackie Robinson play ball his first year in the majors. He then starts telling me about a time he was on a train from Nashville to Florida and in Huntsville AL Martin Luther King Jr got on and came back to the club car my dad was in and proceeded to preach to the 6 or 7 guys in the car. I was amazed that my dad had never told me this story. This got me thinking about all the stories my dad could tell about the time period that Noah will study next year. I decided that once we get up to the 1930's and beyond I will have Noah call my dad 1x a week and share with him something he learned in the week and then ask my Dad what he remembers from that time period. I will listen in also and then have Noah dictate the story to me and I will type it up to keep in a keepsake book. I figure that way it isn't extra work for Noah since MTMM already looks very full. I know my Dad will love it and since we live 2 hours away from them Noah and my Dad don't get to just talk very often so it will help with that. I am very excited about the stories we may hear.