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new here!
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:34 pm
by gracelikerain
Hi Ladies!
I am Georgette, mama to 4 amazing blessings. I just found HOD a few days ago from my sweet friend Mama Mary. Thank you Mary!!
I am so hooked! I can't wait to order.

I plan on buying LHTH for my ds4. It looks so fun!
Then I was thinking of getting Preparing for my 2 older girls. They will be 8 & 11 in Sept. & Oct. My dilemma is I wanted to do Bigger first but I am doing AS1(American Story) from WP right now. In Bigger I would only be covering new material at unit 20. Anyone out there think it is still worth it to do? Especially since I haven't covered the civil war & immigration & such yet. AHH so many decisions!

Mary, if you read this what are your thoughts?
I am looking forward to using HOD & getting to know everone!
Bless you all!
Re: new here!
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:09 pm
by MamaMary
gracelikerain wrote:Hi Ladies!
I am Georgette, mama to 4 amazing blessings. I just found HOD a few days ago from my sweet friend Mama Mary. Thank you Mary!!
I am so hooked! I can't wait to order.

I plan on buying LHTH for my ds4. It looks so fun!
Then I was thinking of getting Preparing for my 2 older girls. They will be 8 & 11 in Sept. & Oct. My dilemma is I wanted to do Bigger first but I am doing AS1(American Story) from WP right now. In Bigger I would only be covering new material at unit 20. Anyone out there think it is still worth it to do? Especially since I haven't covered the civil war & immigration & such yet. AHH so many decisions!

Mary, if you read this what are your thoughts?
I am looking forward to using HOD & getting to know everone!
Bless you all!
I am SO glad your here my friend! I definitely think you could do bigger because it does a different take on american hx..., it is biographical!
Have you taken the placement test? That has been very accurate. I'm so excited that your here!
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 6:10 am
by eazbnsmom
Hi Georgette,
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:18 am
by beandip71
Welcome to the boards!
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:48 am
by naturegirl
Hi Georgette!
It is great to have you here!

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:42 am
by Melanie
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:56 pm
by peridot

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 6:25 pm
by Samuel'sMommy
Welcome from another newbie!
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 6:39 pm
by water2wine
Welcome Georgette! Because you are Mary's friend we love you already!

I wish I could answer your question but I am not familiar with WP but I will tell you we love Bigger!

But don't worry all the programs are great! you can't go wrong. It's like picking between candy and chocolate.
Welcome Mary's Friend!
BTW- I love your login name!

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:08 pm
by netpea
Welcome Georgette!
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:20 pm
by Jessi
Well Hulllooooo, Georgette!
We just started LHTH this week with my daughter and she loves it, as do her friends I babysit! You should see 3 preschoolers, one toddler, and a baby all dancing around when the music comes on or we are reading our Bible story and they are all clambering to get into my lap.
Good luck to you Georgette! Your name makes me think of a southern belle. Am I close?

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:05 pm
by gracelikerain
Thank you all for the warm welcome! I am SOOOO excited to start! I just got my catalog in the mail. I love it!!
I am from Long Island, NY. So, no southern belle here! But I am a real country girl at heart as I spent all my childhood summers up in the Catskill Mts.
New here also
Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 10:24 am
by Valerie
hey Georgette, I'm new here to. But I am so exceited about this program!! I bought BLHFHG at the homeschool convention in NC in May, this will be for my twin boys who are 7yrs. But then I couldn't shake the thought of get PHFHG for my dd who will be 10 in August. I showed her the first weeks lesson pages online and she jumped right on board with it!!!
I will try to plan lessons for my older boys 13 and 12 around the PHFHG format. I think we are in for an incredible year, I wish they would let me start now!!!
But I guess I can allow some time for summer activities ( learning even if they don't know it)
Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 12:45 pm
by Carrie
I just wanted to welcome you too! The ladies are so wonderful about helping with placement questions, so once you've taken a look at the placement chart, let us know what you're thinking. We'll jump right in to help you talk through your options!
Here's the link to the placement chart:
P.S. Valerie, I wanted to welcome you too! We're glad you're part of the HOD family!
Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:24 am
by BlessedMommy
Just wanted to chime in and say hi. I made a long post last week to say hello and I can't find it...
Blessings from another HOD Mommy!