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Creation to Christ 9 year old?

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:46 pm
by joyfulhomeschooler
Has anyone done Creation to Christ with a 9 year old before? How did it go?

Re: Creation to Christ 9 year old?

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:54 am
by Elsie
Sounds like a lot for a 9 year old. I guess it would depend on your child's abilities. Generally, I think it best to wait until 5th grade abilities for CTC. What grade is your child functioning at?

Re: Creation to Christ 9 year old?

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:00 am
by MomtoJGJE
We will be starting CTC in a few weeks with my oldest who will be turning 10 on Sunday. I do not think she will have any trouble going full speed. I don't think she would have for a few months now. So I'd say that a 9 year old who is capable of doing Preparing all the way every day would be capable of doing CTC at least half speed.

However I haven't actually used CTC yet so I might change my answer in a few weeks :) My oldest will be 10 the entire time. If I'm doing my math correctly, my second will start about 9.5 or so, barring any complications in life ;) My brain isn't working well enough to figure out when my third will be doing it.

Re: Creation to Christ 9 year old?

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:01 am
by LynnH
Looking at your signature it looks like your 9 year old is in Bigger now. Is that correct? So do you plan on skipping Preparing? It really truly depends on your dc skills, but I will say CTC is a very challenging program. I think a 9 year old could do it if they have done several years of HOD and do the guides exactly as written which means they would have done Preparing with all the Independent boxes. My ds did CTC at 11 and it was plenty challenging. I can't imagine him doing it at a younger age, but he didn't start HOD until he was 10. Keep in mind that if you place them in CTC and have to adapt a lot of the skills down to their level then you will have to continue to do that all the way up through the guides. This can impact the skill building that is in the guides.

Re: Creation to Christ 9 year old?

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:03 am
by joyfulhomeschooler
This is what is keeping me from making the decision to keep my two together in preparing. i don't want to do half speed with one and full with the other....

Re: Creation to Christ 9 year old?

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:33 pm
by mom23
How do things look on the placement chart as you consider CtC with your 9yo? It does sound like a big jump, but if s/he is underplaced at Bigger and Preparing is definitely beneath him/her, then CtC would probably be the way to go.

I do think that Preparing is a pretty big step up from Bigger, and you might find that you could just stick with Preparing and add extensions for the older one as needed. Even if you had to begin half speed for the sake of the younger child, you could beef up the requirements using extensions for the older child. I understand your not wanting to run the same guide at two different paces...could you start Preparing with the full speed child through the summer, so that the gap between the two widens? Or, depending upon where you are in Bigger right now, possibly slow the 2nd child down to half speed in Bigger and make the switch to Preparing with the older one?

I'd be inclined to try CtC if it looks workable to you, and then if it's too much you can drop that child back with his/her sibling in a few weeks and save CtC for next year! You really don't have anythng to lose by trying it.

Re: Creation to Christ 9 year old?

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:50 pm
by joyfulhomeschooler
mom23 wrote:How do things look on the placement chart as you consider CtC with your 9yo? It does sound like a big jump, but if s/he is underplaced at Bigger and Preparing is definitely beneath him/her, then CtC would probably be the way to go.

I do think that Preparing is a pretty big step up from Bigger, and you might find that you could just stick with Preparing and add extensions for the older one as needed. Even if you had to begin half speed for the sake of the younger child, you could beef up the requirements using extensions for the older child. I understand your not wanting to run the same guide at two different paces...could you start Preparing with the full speed child through the summer, so that the gap between the two widens? Or, depending upon where you are in Bigger right now, possibly slow the 2nd child down to half speed in Bigger and make the switch to Preparing with the older one?

I'd be inclined to try CtC if it looks workable to you, and then if it's too much you can drop that child back with his/her sibling in a few weeks and save CtC for next year! You really don't have anythng to lose by trying it.
I didn't really explain myself well. I have a 9yr old son who will be 10yrs when we start Preparing next year. Then I have a 7yr old daughter who will be 8 during Preparing next year. I have no problem combining them in Preparing next year but will have to modify the amount of writing and independent work for her at least for a while. The problem arises when I start thinking about combining them in CtC the following year. I realize so much can change in that amount of time. I really just can't see how CtC is doable by a 9yr old. So my thought is to uncombine them now and save myself the trouble of trying to figure out what to do later.

So really I was just wondering how many people out there have used CtC with a 9yr old.

Re: Creation to Christ 9 year old?

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:47 pm
by faith0428
My two oldest daughters are 9 (10 end of June) and 11 right now (4th and 5th grade). They have both been doing CTC this school year and are in unit 30 this week. My 9 year old daughter has been doing just fine. She struggles some with written narration, but is doing well with everything else. They have both been in HOD since LHFHG when oldest was 1st grade and younger was in Kindergarten. I definitely think it is doable, but you know your child best. If you feel confident they can combine in Preparing with no problem, I might keep them together and then re-evaluate again in a year.

Re: Creation to Christ 9 year old?

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:09 pm
by mom23
Oh, sorry :) I completely misunderstood you! My oldest is just getting ready for CtC (she'll be 11), so I can't really help you out. So far, though, all the guides prepare well for the next one, so I really think your youngest will be much more ready a year from now. :wink:

Re: Creation to Christ 9 year old?

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 6:00 pm
by abrightmom
I asked these questions awhile back and here's the thread viewtopic.php?f=6&t=11023