What an excellent post!

I have seen the same to be true with my oldest ds, Wyatt, who is doing MTMM. I am beginning to see this progression with my middle ds, Riley, who is doing CTC, as well. The Self-Propelled Advantage has been so successful for our dc thanks to HOD's purposefully planned gradual progression of taking on independence. Each guide builds upon the last and helps dc take on independence with success at the mastery level. This is the complete opposite of throwing dc in the deep end with 'all-of-a-sudden' forced independence, which is what happens when dc are expected to be independent with a skill they were never truly introduced first by a teacher-directed method and then by a semi-independent method. The key to success in HOD's guides is the careful planning Carrie puts across guides and across all subject areas for incrementally teaching skills. It is pure genius!
Especially with my teenager, I can say 100% that micromanaging would not work and would damage our relationship. It is a precarious balance to homeschool teenagers. They have a God-given drive at this age to strike out and take on independence, share their opinions, be more in charge of their days, make more decisions, and show their own style. HOD has helped me balance these needs Wyatt has so amazingly well. The plans themselves take these needs into account while still firmly placing Wyatt under my authority, and the both of us under God's authority. In MTMM, for example, the boxes marked "T" teacher-directed, "S" semi-independent, and "I" independent, take into account this need to be self-propelled. In short, there are more "I" boxes than before. This has allowed Wyatt to take on more independence naturally, as the guide is his student planner as much as it is my teacher guide.
What this looks like in the day to day is he can choose to start his "I" boxes before I even get up. I am a fairly early riser, but Wyatt takes after his dad and is a REALLY early morning riser. He loves to get up early (at 6 AM) and go downstairs work on some of his MTMM "I" boxes while my dh is getting ready for work. This not only fits his preference for when to start school well, it also fits his need to have some special time alone with my dh just kind of hanging out while both are busy getting ready or working. They both love it, and as my dh travels a lot, it has given them needed time together when he is home. Wyatt then heads up to his room to do his Bible Quiet Time. He usually does a little more independent work for MTMM, and then finishes off reading just for fun whatever book he is immersed in outside of school.

We start our day at 7:30 AM.
The self-propelled advantage has also let him have more say-so in the order he does his work each day. He can do his "I" boxes in any order he pleases, though I have always had him do his Bible Quiet Time in his room, as it is private, and he can do this earlier in the morning sometime to start his day off right. During my teacher-directed time, I decide the order, though I do take into account any preference he may have if he wants to share an oral narration first, have me correct something he has done right away, etc. For his semi-independent boxes, we chat over what he has to do, figure out what I need to do, and make a plan together. I love that he gets to share his opinions for our "Worthy Words" discussions. They follow the Socratic method, are based on famous speeches matching the history, and we both enjoy our discussions so much. Likewise, our Biblical Worldview discussions and readings help the two of us share our faith, thoughts, striking parts of what we've read, etc. together - while his Faith at Work Bible Quiet Time lets him personally share his thoughts in a more private way. I love to read his ACTS prayer notes in his Faith at Work workbook - these HOD has him do following his readings, and his notes there are a window into his heart and mind. I like to jot notes back to him. The MTMM notebooking, history projects, and nature journal all offer ways for him to express his individual creativity - an important need at this age.
You are so right, Tiffini! The Self-Propelled Advantage IS a huge advantage naturally built into HOD, and NOT having to micromanage our dc is an incredible blessing, especially at these older ages. Thanks for sharing your insight and wisdom here! It is appreciated so much!
In Christ,