This isn't my first year with Heart of Dakota but it is the first year I will have 3 in their own levels. I don't think I can pull it off!! I need another set of eyes to see if I am missing something. If I've already chosen the best path then I need encouragement, scheduling advice or SOMETHING!

My children all place perfectly in their respective levels:
Oldest child will be doing Preparing this year. She will be in 4th grade and has done Bigger so there is no option to move her down. I need to start DITHOR with her because she has not done it yet and it is time.
2nd grader will be doing Bigger Hearts at a slower pace. He has completed LHFHG in K but did not do Beyond this year in 1st grade. I had considered letting him do Beyond for 2nd grade (for my sake) but he places so perfectly in Bigger. It seems like ultimately it will be better to have a child go more slowly through a guide he is placed appropriately in than to have him go full-speed through an easier guide.
Next child will be an older k'er because of her birthday (6 in Oct). She needs to be in LH because she needs phonics instruction and more handwriting work. I briefly considered moving her up to Beyond with 2nd grader but I don't think it would be right for her.
Basically, I am looking at LHFHG, Bigger, Preparing, and DITHOR with other little children in the house. My husband thinks we should just set school hours and get what we can get done with an honest effort. This is wisdom