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Question about Preparing

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:17 am
by flackattack
Hi all,
I read through the Introduction online for Preparing and saw that you use the Self-Study Deluxe History package for the newly independent reader. I also read that there is an alternate schedule in the Appendix for older students. My question is whether the schedule in the Appendix for the older students includes the scheduling of the skills found in Independent History section of the guide (Oral narration, copywork, notebook entries, and Biblical connections). And are those books for older students meant to replace the other package for the newly independent reader? I will have 2 dc using Preparing and I know that my older one will want to be doing some different books than my younger one. I can't imagine having her read both packages, but I also don't want her to miss out on these skills that are so nicely scheduled out for me in the Independent History section. :D
Hope that makes sense!

Re: Question about Preparing

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:16 am
by Kteni
I am bumping this up because I am curious to know the replies as well.

Re: Question about Preparing

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:33 am
by julsoliveira
Looking in my guide...

Okay, so in the appendix there is an "extension package schedule". The note says the reading are meant to do independently. You have the option to assess your child's reading comprehension in a way that works for you. The suggested options include oral narration, writing a summary using the written narration skills, or drawing a picture and including a brief summary. the books and pages are suggested by unit and day. It is my understanding that this is to be completed after the regular history reading which is read aloud with the younger students. It also seems to be in addition to the the independent history study.

Hope that helps!

Re: Question about Preparing

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:50 pm
by Molly
My oldest has just finished Preparing, she did the independent history and the extension history including the oral and written narrations mentioned in the appendix with the book list. However, she was 10 and 11 during this time but did need the extra to make it challenging to her. I guess it depends whether you feel your child does need the extra or not. It does only add about half an hour or so to their school work for each day.

Re: Question about Preparing

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:43 pm
by flackattack
Thanks for the replies! I just noticed that on the Self-Study Deluxe History Package for the Newly Independent Reader that it says "If you have a very advanced reader, you may want to use the Extension Package instead." So it does look like you can use the package for older students instead of the other one, but I will just have to decide whether I am willing to have my dd miss out on those skills already planned within the guide in that Independent History section. Hmmm... Decisions! Decisions! :)

Re: Question about Preparing

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:13 pm
by holdinon
I've had two do Preparing with the extensions. They both did both the ind. history plus the extensions. The ind. history assignments are great, and they would have hated to have missed those (they enjoyed the extension readings also).

Re: Question about Preparing

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 9:43 pm
by MomtoJGJE
Now, I don't do the extensions, so take this with a grain of salt.

But I'm pretty sure the extensions would be added on to everything in the daily portion of the guides. Independent History is scheduled daily in the guide. So I THINK you are supposed to do Ind History along with everything else in the daily boxes, and then add in the extensions if your child needed the regular portion of the guide beefed up a bit.

Re: Question about Preparing

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:17 pm
by Kteni
Thank you repliers!
I have a voracious reader and it will give me time to work with my younger one too if I use the extension pack.