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Older edition of Devotions for the Children's Hour

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:55 am
by Blessed with seven

I am awaiting my UPS order for Little Hearts for His Glory, I am so excited. I did not buy Devotions for the Children's Hour because I have a copy but it is a much older looking cover. The last copyright date is 1982, will this one still work. I much prefer having the newest editions of things but just need to use what I have for now.

I am assuming this will work?



Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:17 pm
by Carrie

I've not seen the older edition to know if the page numbers will line up or not. Usually Ken Taylor's devotionals are unchanged from edition to edition, but you never know. If the pages don't seem to line up once you get your guide, we could always scan the table of contents of the new edition and email the pages to you for reference. Just let us know.
