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MTMM or Geography guide

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:15 am
by 4Hispraise
There is so much about this on the board...and the more I read, the more confused that I become!!

I purchased MTMM a little while ago because I had local scholarship money that needed to be spent by the end of March...but I am not sure that I made the best choice for my ds. He is currently doing Rev to Rev with extensions - and he has told me that he does not feel challenged. He has really grown in writing, is half-way through completing Rod & Staff 7, will have completed Algebra by the end of the school year and Apologia Physical Science. The reason I wanted to do MTMM is because the content looks so good, I was concerned about my ds missing this time period & my ds has always struggled with written narration. Those were the things holding me back (that and finances) from choosing the Geography guide. In the last two months, his narrations have improved leaps and bounds. He is completing EVERYTHING within 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 hours, the longer days, of course, being written narration days. And I am panicking - maybe I should send MTMM back and purchase the Geography guide??

Oh, and he will be 14 in August and entering 9th grade. Any thoughts? I just really want what is best for him...hard as it may be for me to figure out!

Re: MTMM or Geography guide

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 5:17 am
by deltagal
I have had the same challenge and I wrestle with this very question myself, because I don't want my children to miss the content, but they are beyond the level. So here are a few suggestions:

1.). For an older child, you can easily raise the level of rev to rev or mtmm, by adding in higher-level literature. Just a book or two. I like to leave the hod plan on the left side of the guide as is. I have found simply adding an additional biography or literature selection from the time period can really add the diversity of thought which some children seek. I use these add-ons for our literature studies not for history.

2.) Make sure your science is the right level for the child in question. I personally find the hod science is excellent. And i like the looks of mtmm and the wold geo science. What would your science plan be?

3.) Listen to your son. Where is he feeling the need to be stretched? I have a hunch that it will not require a major over-haul, just something simple.

4.) It sounds as if your son would do well in either of the guides. Why not ask him what he would like to study next year? Since he will be in high school spend some time mapping out what the next 4 years will look like with each guide as a starter, be sure to include the lit and science and math plan. This might make a difference for you.

5.) The fact that your son is really picking up speed is a great sign that he's mastered the skills and is getting ready for the "next" guide. It is not a sign that it is too easy for him. Enjoy wrapping up the semester with a success story!

I honestly think you will not go wrong either way. Both plans are quite exciting!

Re: MTMM or Geography guide

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:15 am
by TrueGRIT
Just wanted to encourage you!
It would be hard to go wrong on his education with HOD.

I feel deltagal gave very good thoughts for consideration.
Especially listening to your son. You can ask him what he thinks about the guide, and what he wants to learn more of, without his knowing anything about why.
As a homeschooler myself, I really liked being involved with my high school plan. My parents had the final say on everything - I just liked being heard.
Making a high school plan as a guide, (& making sure it follows state requirements), is a breath of fresh air, and the way to see a possible end result.
And it is only that - a guide.

Hope this make sense.
Wishing you the best!

Re: MTMM or Geography guide

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:48 am
by 4Hispraise
Thank you both for your thoughtful replies and encouragement. I totally agree that I can't go wrong with HOD! I will continue praying and I will be talking with my son...and working on that high school plan. :D
TrueGRIT wrote:5.) The fact that your son is really picking up speed is a great sign that he's mastered the skills and is getting ready for the "next" guide. It is not a sign that it is too easy for him. Enjoy wrapping up the semester with a success story!
Thanks for that insight. I think I start to see success as lack of challenge...your fresh perspective is quite encouraging!!

Re: MTMM or Geography guide

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 1:07 pm
by my3sons
WOW - this was just neat to read! Such solid advice from deltagal and TrueGrit! :D I have found that I often come to the answer by thinking out loud, much to my oldest ds's chagrin sometimes (I have to reel that in with him). :wink: So, I wondered if it may help you to think out loud here a little more with the ladies listening in and chiming in? You got some great questions and info to ponder, and now that a little time has passed, I was just curious what you have found. I think it may help others that are thinking along these same lines. MTMM has been awesome this year, and the Geography guide looks equally amazing. You have a tough choice! The thing is, either path (MTMM on up; or Geography on up) will result in the needed credits/coursework for high school, so really you have two great options. What are your thoughts thus far, if you'd like to think out loud with us here, that is? :D Just hoping to help, and in helping you, hopefully also help others. :D

In Christ,

Re: MTMM or Geography guide

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:28 pm
by 4Hispraise
Thank you for wanting to help me figure this out. I have a somewhat unique situation: my ds will be entering ps for grades 10-12 in order to be part of a special program at our local airport - gaining an associates degree in those three years. I can't even breath thinking about it! Because of this, next year is the last year we will be hs-ing him. It frightens me! THIS WAS NOT PART OF THE PLAN!! WE WERE GOING TO HOMESCHOOL THROUGH GRADUATION. :( :( The truth is, I don't want him to miss any HOD guide!! :( And this mama is not quite ready to release him into the world. There are still so many biblical truths I want to instill, so many discussions that I still want to have.... :cry:

There are certain areas that I do NOT want the ps to teach (especially health, government). I want to keep control of those things & so am trying to figure out a way to get those credits along side whatever else we do.

Overall, my son has excelled this year. He has grown far beyond what I would expect in a year - and yes, like you, I am also a former teacher- so I generally know what to expect. He is doing great in math (Algebra I), grammar (R&S 7), writing (this is quite a surprise to his mama :D :D ) and all parts of the guide. He never has a day where he feels challenged any more. But, then again, we are in unit that is usually how it is by the end of the year (as pp so graciously reminded me). :D I have so often thought that I did not want to skip a guide, but I also want to make sure he is in the best place for not just now, but for where he is headed. Because I can't compare MTMM and the Geography Guide on the placement chart, I don't want to assume that he is ready for the geography guide. Probably his weakest area is writing...but even that isn't below grade level anymore or a struggle (HURRAY!!). HOD has definitely given him a well-rounded education!!

Here is my current thought (and yes, I am confused!! :oops: ):

Option One: Complete MTMM. Then, my son will have a slightly lighter schedule than he would in the geography guide. I believe we could add those other things in, scheduling throughout the entire year while earning a semester credit in each. He is very strong in science and would move ahead with Apologia because he is ahead in science (i.e. this kiddo checked a Physics textbook out for summer reading last year & bought a science program for himself to complete this summer - so unlike me!!).

Option Two: Skip MTMM and move right into the Geography guide. This would put my ds on track with the local ps because they complete geography in 9th grade. Also, the literature (using a textbook for parts) might better prepare him for the transition to a traditional school experience. The advantage of this plan is that his geography experience would be founded in Christ - that moves my heart more than anything!

If Carrie did not write such excellent guides...well...honestly, this would not be such a struggle!! Missing material wouldn't mean half as much. But, knowing how well everything leads back to Christ and seeing how wonderful all the resources are does not make my decision any easier!! *sigh*

I have run both of these scenarios before my son and my husband. Both had the same reaction, "They both sound great." My husband added, "Whatever you do, he is going to do fine in school." ARGH After my son looked through the box for MTMM he said, "Oh, I really want to read ---- ! Look at the Nature study! WOW!" So, I am leaning toward option one - for today :roll: .

Re: MTMM or Geography guide

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:28 pm
by deltagal
I totally agree with you.....if Carrie didn't write such great guides it wouldn't be so difficult to pick and choose.

But now that I've read more of your story I would suggest this....find out what the PS is covering with the Freshmen and what your ds will be studying in PS as a Sophomore, Junior and Senior. Then with that information make your choice. Either choice will keep him on track, but one choice might line up better with the PS plan. :D

As an aside whenever I discuss this with my dc or husband the response is the same as yours. "They both sound great!"

Re: MTMM or Geography guide

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 3:07 pm
by 8arrows
Since you are planning to send him back to PS, and the PS does geography in 9th, AND he is doing a guide well WITH extensions while completing in a timely fashion, I think the geography guide might be a better transition guide. I am also considering his math and English skills. Both guides will have plenty of Biblical content! The worldview study and the logic study are two fields of study that I would like my son to have before sending him off.

Re: MTMM or Geography guide

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:00 am
by 4Hispraise
And this thought after looking over the public school's curricula and praying...definitely will complete the Geography guide next year. Geography is the typical 9th grade class for our district.

And, because all the class descriptions are so antagonistic to Christians. I was so discouraged! I guess that I have been out of the profession for long enough to have missed the blatant antagonism that has come to exist. My dear son read them over and said the same thing (great discernment - might have something to do with DITHOR!! Thanks HOD! :D ).

I contacted the director of the program that my ds is interested in and he threw this out there:

Some of the kids who have been accepted into the program are homeschooled for all non-aviation classes. So...we are looking in to that!! Pray with me?? We are awaiting his supervisor's response to won't come until at least Monday - and I am so hopeful! THANKS to all you lovely ladies who are trying to help me sort this out! :D I am so excited because then we wouldn't miss any HOD guides. He did warn that, if approved, we would have to closely follow the sequence that the local district taught. (Why I would skip MTMM & move into the Geography guide)

Re: MTMM or Geography guide

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:37 pm
by my3sons
Oh my! So much has happened since I last read this! :D I agree that the Geography guide sounds like a good choice for ds for his situation, and I also am prayerful for you that you can homeschool him as he attends the program. Praying for you and for clarity in this! :D

In Christ,

Re: MTMM or Geography guide

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:07 pm
by Elsie
Just a random idea for you. Your son could do MTMM starting this summer 5x week. He would be done probably in the fall. Then he could start the geograpy guide 5x a week.