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How long is Rev 2 Rev is suppose to take?

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 4:26 pm
by igeagewalker
Hi, I am having a "battle" with my daughter about how much she should get done in a day. She tends to not like working and will do as little as possible. She is using Rev 2 Rev and doesn't always finish the day lesson. There was a part of me that wanted to slow her down so she could do quality work, but I think she can do quality work do full speed too. She just has to work hard, which she doesn't like to do. So anyways, my question is, how long SHOULD it take for her to finish her work? We had been doing Analytical grammar before we started HOD so we are still doing that. And we are doing Apologia Physical Science as well since she was in the middle of that. I try to keep these lessons short, though.

Re: How long is Rev 2 Rev is suppose to take?

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 4:41 pm
by LynnH
My ds does Rev to Rev as written with the exception of math and he uses Teaching Textbooks Prealgebra. He works from 8-2 or 2:30 with an hour for lunch and a short 10 minute morning break. On rare occasions he will go until 3, but that doesn't happen very often at all. I think the recommended time for this guide is 5-5 1/2 hours.

Re: How long is Rev 2 Rev is suppose to take?

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:44 am
by Mom2Monkeys
We are doing 4 guides and my oldest is in rev2rev. She is 11, 6th grade. We have a routine that takes her from 8-3 with breaks for chores, lunch, snack, and playtime with the toddler. You can see my schedule on the schedules thread, page 11. :) She could do most days if she were an only child in 4-4.5hrs and about 5-5.5hrs on written narration days.