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How do you all Organize your HOD Materials

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:29 am
by cristiansmom
OK, so I have the guide and some of the books (the rest I can get from the library when the time comes) I have supplies for crafts and science projects.. How do you organize it all? Just curious what everyone does..


Re: How do you all Organize your HOD Materials

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:50 pm
by Tansy
For a long time they just lived in a box on the desk . Messy yes functional yes.
AS they out grew the box and I added students I went to shelves in the closet.
My latest incarnation is Ikea shelves in my Living room they have one stack dedicated to them. I also got magazine boxes one for each child and the folders live in there.I have an Ikea Shelf Box for "school stuff" So it stays pretty neat and tidy.
Top shelf started out as unused books but now on Unit 25 top shelf is Books we are done with.
Second shelf has new books and books in use as well as paint (still in box!) and water color paper, (these shelves are nicely deep).
Third shelf dedicated to Folders (in magazine boxes) and notebooks and daily books (history and read aloud).
Forth shelf is fully occupied by the misc. supplies box.
Bottom shelf is Reference materials ie. dictionary,atlas.

Its working for us :-)

Re: How do you all Organize your HOD Materials

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:18 pm
by hs.mama07
We just finished getting everything all organized so I'm excited to share :-). For the longest time our art supplies were on our old changing table in the living room. We finally upgraded to some shelves under our bar in the kitchen (we do school in the kitchen). Much nicer, closer to our table, and great to finally get that old changing table out of the living room, lol. I keep a couple of jars on our kitchen table full of things we use all the time: a few pencils, some markers and crayons, a pair of scissors, etc.

And we put all our books on our books shelves in the living room. We have two 6 ft shelf units next to each other and there is plenty of room to store more books and more art/science supplies as the boys get older.

Re: How do you all Organize your HOD Materials

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 5:47 am
by witheagerhands
I am still trying to figure it all out, but we have 4 HOD guides and books in the house (LHTH, LHFHG, Beyond, and Preparing). I have books that are in use out where they can access them (which goes between canvas storage cubes, to 31 small utility totes. I just can't figure out which works best for us!!) For all other books that aren't being used yet, or have been completed, I have on a big shelf. DH made a floor-to-ceiling shelf in our bedroom, and I have 1 reserved for each guide's books/workbooks/etc. It's not divided with anything; I just know where one set ends and another begins. The kids know they aren't supposed to mess with that row of books, but can go to any shelf above that for their readers and pleasure-reading chapter books (all picture books are in another room).

as far as craft materials go, we have a closet in another room where all things crafty go, but it's not currently in a state that I would want you to see!! :)

Re: How do you all Organize your HOD Materials

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:44 am
by stawnasalas
I have a big bookshelf with 5 shelves, one shelf for each child (3 in school right now), one shelf for me, one for loose paper, dry erase boards, and laminated math, LA and cursive helps. I also have a smaller, 3 shelf bookshelf for my preschoolers books, dictionaries, manipulatives, craft stuff and it also holds little drawers for pencils, erasers, etc. This is all in our dining room where we do school.

Re: How do you all Organize your HOD Materials

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:16 pm
by mom23
When my kids were in younger guides we fit everything into a larger tote for each of them. The just grabbed their box and hauled it to the table, or their desk, or the couch... :) . I liked that because we had everything we needed in one place, from manual, to books, to pencils, crayons, glue stick, and scissors.

Now that we're into Preparing with my oldest, we've outgrown the one box system and I put a 4-teir shelf in the living room-they each have a shelf. Their shelves are filled with smaller boxes-sort of a workbox-type system, I guess-with all of the books they need to complete each block of time on our schedule. For example, one box for my dd contains her Science book and notebook, as well as Independent History book and notebook, plus pencil and colored pencils. The manuals have their own box, so she grabs her manual and can complete her independent work while I'm working with a younger brother.

Re: How do you all Organize your HOD Materials

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:44 pm
by funkmomma71
Ummm, I'm always changing how we organize things. For the last two years I have had a small table with one of those large spinning office organizers, it hold my guides (Preparing, LHTH, DITHOR), math books, R&S teachers book, planner, my pencils & pens, current read aloud, file folders for storing completed work, and extra books and curricula such as Spanish. My dd has a desk with a hutch and she keeps her notebooks, R&S book, math workbook, and all her supplies. Between her desk and our school sofa is a small bookcase that has two magazine holders which hold her independent history and science materials and her DITHOR books. The other shelves hold more extra books and IEW stuff. My son has a small desk and next to his book is small 3-drawer case with has his workbooks and papers for LHTH. I have him do early Singapore math books I bought several years ago and Explode the Code along with R&S workbooks. Nest to his desk is short but long bookcase that hold craft stuff, games, scrap paper, music cds, cd player, etc... Lastly, in another room I have previous years of HOD books in baskets in a shelving unit along with miscellaneous odds and ends. Like some of the other moms have said, when it was just one kiddo and we were doing LHFHG everything could be held in tote, but now there is two kids and lots more books so I need to keep things a little more organized.


Re: How do you all Organize your HOD Materials

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:07 pm
by lapeseven
We had everything in our dining room on shelves and in an old dresser (art supplies). My older girls would work at the dining room table while I worked with the youngest in the living room. Well... I wanted to reclaim my dining room. It seemed like we continually ate in the living room because of all the "school stuff" laying out. I finally merged two girls and created a make-shift schoolroom/playroom. I picked up another shelf. We currently have one level per shelf. I have color-coded stickers on some of the levels, but I haven't done this with the recent levels that I've purchased over the last few weeks (for this year and next). It hasn't been necessary with the extra shelf. Nothing is getting mixed together.

Re: How do you all Organize your HOD Materials

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:41 pm
by TrueGRIT
We have a school room with shelves in the walls for the HOD books.
Bottom shelf is for current books, and the top shelf for previously used, or won't get to this year books.
We have a cabinet with doors for art/craft supplies, supplementary work, flash cards, homeschool/children magazines.
I also have a 3 drawer cart that I put my teacher things in, and a file tote that I keep to file important papers needed.
Then we have 2 small bookcases for books. And one larger bookcase with educational toys & puzzles. We also have 1 large desk, 1 small desk,
and 1 small folding table.
Half the time we work out in the basement on a table, and I keep a small bucket with pencils, pens, etc. out there.
We are blessed with space that not many have, so I don't know if this helps.