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Questions about 4 day schooling with LHFHG

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 10:38 pm
by SarahAngeline
We are planning on beginning homeschooling for Kindergarten starting in the fall '13 using LHFHG, and my husband and I have been contemplating schooling Monday-Thursday, leaving Friday for field trips, relaxing, activities with our homeschool group, etc. I realize that LHFHG is written for 5 days a week in mind, with each week being one unit. I am wondering if only schooling 4 days a week instead of 5 would make the unit feel disjointed or interrupted because of the 3 day weekend and the unit being broken up. If anyone has any advice or experience doing this, I'd love to hear it! Thanks. =)

Re: Questions about 4 day schooling with LHFHG

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:14 pm
by lissiejo
LOTS of families do this with just picking up the next week on whatever day they left off and feel it is a great fit. :)

We opted to do a four day week by adding 1 extra box to each day. I just plan ahead how I will fit that in and it has worked well for us. I do have to make a weekly grid in order for this to work, but I really don't mind the 30 minutes or so it takes. This way we complete the unit in a week, usually. This week I came down with a cold and we're a little off, but that's okay too :)

Re: Questions about 4 day schooling with LHFHG

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 12:24 am
by SarahAngeline
That's a great idea! Thanks for sharing! =)

PS- I just saw a comment you left on the Practical Homeschooling FB page. Funny. :) Thanks for sharing your blog with us! It's helpful!

Re: Questions about 4 day schooling with LHFHG

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 6:54 am
by lissiejo
Thank you for the encouragement :) I have loved getting a peak into other family's homeschooling lives so it is encouraging when I know someone enjoys taking a look into ours!

Re: Questions about 4 day schooling with LHFHG

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 9:08 pm
by my3sons
I just wanted to share that we have done 4 days a week with LHTH, LHFHG, Beyond, and Bigger Hearts through the years and enjoyed it so very much! :D This has helped my younger sons be on the same school schedule as my oldest ds, as well as give us a day off each week. Doing this makes LHTH through Bigger Hearts take 5 years instead of 4 years. I am thinking your little guy is only 5 yo old right now anyway (please correct me if I am wrong about that), so another option to the one already shared would be to just enjoy the open and go nature of the daily plans and take a little longer to complete the guides. Your ds would be at a very nice age to begin PHFHG then (I believe he'd be about 9 yo then). PHFHG and all of the guides after it have a 4 day a week plan already, so you'd be set then. Just thought I'd throw out another idea for you to consider - options are always nice! :D

In Christ,

Re: Questions about 4 day schooling with LHFHG

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 11:10 pm
by Kathleen
We don't worry about the unit fitting Mon-Fri here, and it truly works great! It seems that it doesn't take very long in a school year for something to make it so that your 5 day week gets messed up (even if you're trying to keep it that way). It could be sickness, a trip to Grandma's, a holiday, field trip...anyway, we just decided that we'll move forward a day at a time and it has worked well. For my oldest we were often completing 5 days per week, but we still didn't end up with day 1 on Monday always. Once he was in Preparing and my younger ones were in LHFHG, we planned on 4 day weeks.

:D Kathleen