The catalog...

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The catalog...

Post by MommyMc » Thu May 29, 2008 2:19 pm


I just received my copy today! Although I'm still not sure what the best plan is for our family, I know that the catalog will help me. It will also help me figure out exactly which books I still need. I have most of the books for most of the programs. :oops: So, perhaps I will get books from a couple of different packages (girl interest, boy interest, classic) just to have something else to pull from if my kids have read a particular book lots of times.

Also, if I DO get both Bigger and Preparing, I may get the extension package for both. I think that my DD really is ready for the extension package on EITHER program and if I consolidate into Bigger, we'll definitely need it. Also, if we consolidate this year, she will need the extension for Preparing next year. Plus, since DS is a voracious reader as well, he may enjoy a few "extras" if he does Bigger.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.... :?

Thank you all for your patience as I sort this out. Everyone has been so kind and helpful. I have also enjoyed reading old posts in order to see how other people made they decisions, what they went with and why, and how it is working for their families.

What a neat board this is!
Wife to a hard-working hubby
Mom to five great kiddos (4/98, 2/00, 3/05, 11/06 and 3/09)

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Post by mamaduke » Thu May 29, 2008 3:17 pm

Hi Anita! I really like the catalog too. Glad you're getting to enjoy yours and I hope you have fun making your decisions.

I like your sig that says "hard-working hubby." Absolutely! I think that is such a neat way to honor him, by giving him that credit. I've thought of that often by way of a post I read a year or more ago. Actually it was a review on Amazon of one of the Little House books and the reviewer made the comment, "as usual, it was Pa's hard work and Ma's endless labor that got them through." or something like that. For some reason, that just struck a chord with me in a comforting way. My dh is also hardworking, and sometimes I shamefully get irritated that he is resting and I'm still buzzing around trying to keep things flowing (supper, getting ready to leave or whatever). I can calm and console myself by remembering how HARD he works and I'm so glad I don't have to do that heavy, dangerous and very physical work. OF COURSE that zaps his energy and he should be resting.

Also, dh is much more suited for hard work than I am. I'm not as strong or able bodied, and likewise he is not suited for endless labor. When we had the twins, I finally let him off the hook for nighttime duty and I just found a way to handle the late-night feedings alone. He just could not function without enough sleep. God is so good in his human design. I think women's hormones really give us a lift we need; even when dead tired we still function fairly well and sometimes AMAZINGLY well. What a perfect God to make man and woman so different and so beautifully compatible!

Anyway, have fun shopping (that's part of a Mom's endless labor !lol)
9yo ds completed Little Hands, Little Hearts, Beyond, and currently in Bigger
6yo twin girls completed Little Hands, currently in Little Hearts
4yo ds alongside
1 yo darling dd, stuffing crayons in her onesie
#6 due in April!

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Post by MommyMc » Thu May 29, 2008 4:07 pm

My husband DOES work so hard so that I am able to stay home and be able to homeschool our children and train them and teach them. (He even works a part-time second job at FedEx loading trucks at extremely early hours just so that we are able to do the things that he thinks are important.)

He is also a very involved Dad that plays with the kids and teaches and trains them and disciplines them. But most importantly, he DISCIPLES them. He teaches them God's Word both through reading and example. He loves the Lord and is passing that on to our children.

I am truly blessed to have a wonderful husband. (And it doesn't hurt that he is laid-back to boot... it really balances out my somewhat obsessive nature. :lol: ) And if I have trouble deciding exactly what we should get, he will assure me that as long as we are moving forward academically and, more importantly, training them to obey us and God, it will be alright.
Wife to a hard-working hubby
Mom to five great kiddos (4/98, 2/00, 3/05, 11/06 and 3/09)

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Post by MamaMary » Thu May 29, 2008 8:18 pm

Yeah Anita! :idea: :idea: :idea:

I share your excitement! The catalog is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
Mary, Mama to 4 amazing sons and wife to one incredible husband! Come check us out on the blog:

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Post by lovetobehome » Thu May 29, 2008 8:40 pm

I absolutely agree. So easy to understand....there are so many options, but it is all laid out just perfectly and makes complete sense. GREAT JOB!!! I love it! I love everything about HOD, and I have to say, I am VERY picky and have been through so many different curricula. I actually took the plunge and put up my old stuff on ebay today, that is how confident I am that this is going to work for us. And I had been holding onto those things for years thinking I couldn't let go even though I wasn't happy. FINALLY I have found the right thing for our family.

We are on week 3, and I am loving it just as much as I had hoped. WOW.

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Post by my3sons » Thu May 29, 2008 9:57 pm

lovetobehome wrote:I absolutely agree. So easy to understand....there are so many options, but it is all laid out just perfectly and makes complete sense. GREAT JOB!!! I love it! I love everything about HOD, and I have to say, I am VERY picky and have been through so many different curricula. I actually took the plunge and put up my old stuff on ebay today, that is how confident I am that this is going to work for us. And I had been holding onto those things for years thinking I couldn't let go even though I wasn't happy. FINALLY I have found the right thing for our family.

We are on week 3, and I am loving it just as much as I had hoped. WOW.
Alright! This is a super post, and I hope you get top-dollar for your e-bay items, but the weight of getting rid of it all will be worth a lot no matter what it sells for. I'm "cleaning house" this summer, and believe me, there's just a lot of stuff that needs to go. I'm so glad you "cleaned house" and freed up even more space to enjoy your HOD!

In Christ ,
Julie :lol:
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
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Post by my3sons » Thu May 29, 2008 10:01 pm

Anita and Julie -

Thanks for upholding your dh's and reminding me once again to appreciate mine. In a world where many wives are constantly "dishing" on their husbands, it's very uplifting to hear ladies upholding them! Carrie and I were just talking about how on another homeschooling board, we'd read a thread entitled "Help me not to hate my husband"... I am SOOOO glad we don't have that type of stuff being posted here. Thanks for your wise words here.

In Christ,
Julie :o
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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Post by Carrie » Thu May 29, 2008 10:59 pm


I'm so glad you received your catalog and that you're enjoying it. It does really help to see it all laid out. I'm already referring to mine all of the time. :wink:

Happy planning!

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