Update: January 25, 2014
I am going to keep this thread of previous sneak peeks as a sticky at the top of the board for now, even though we are currently sharing sneak peeks for our next new guide Hearts for Him Through High School: World History right now.

I think it will be helpful for new families who are trying to decide where to place their high school student to be able to compare the World Geography and the World History programs.
Update: June 3, 2013
I wanted to let those of you who are interested in purchasing the World Geography guide know that it will likely be the end of June before the guide and its packages appear on our website. Our web designer is currently traveling on a mission's support trip and will only be able to add content to our website as time allows. Until then, all of the links in the post below will give you the information you need about our newest guide.

The packages for the new guide are also listed below with pricing, and we have all of the books for the packages in our warehouse ready to ship now (with the exception of the guide and the Student Notebooks). So, if you would like to order now, you can easily do so just by calling our company at 605-428-4068. We'd be glad to help you!

Our projected ship date for the guide itself and its corresponding notebooks is the last week in August or the first week in September. We need to have the guide done for our own son to use this coming fall, so we're very motivated to complete the guide in time for our school year (and yours) to get underway.
Post from December, 2012: I am so excited that we are to the time of year when we begin sharing "sneak peeks" from our upcoming new guide!

It is thrilling for us to be officially entering the high school years with the geography guide's target age range.

It is our prayer that we will be able to write the guides in such a way that students who go through all 4 high school HOD guides will have everything needed for graduation and college entrance (with the exception of PE).

For those of you who are on the very youngest age range of the geography guide, and may be using it with an 8th grader, it is good to know that the geography guide will be high school credit worthy in all areas, so you can begin counting high school credit with this guide and use it as your child's "freshman" year if desired. Then, if you continued with the 4 high school HOD guides, your child could either graduate a year early or could use the final year of high school to pursue an internship or an area of interest, focus on CLEP testing, do missions work, travel, or begin college early.
Having my oldest son going through high school without the HOD guides written, has made me all the more aware of how very much I will appreciate having the HOD high school guides for my own kiddos coming up.

We'll have two highschoolers in our mix next year at our house, along with our two younger sons too. Our oldest son will be a senior next year and our second son will be a freshman next year.

It's hard to believe, yet exciting to share this high school journey with all of you.!
Sneak Peek #1: Science
Sneak Peek #2: Bible
Sneak Peek #3: Girl/Boy Devotional Study
Sneak Peek #4: Composition/Grammar
Sneak Peek #5: Logic
Sneak Peek #6: Literature
Sneak Peek #7: Real Books for Literature
Sneak Peek #8: World Religions and Cultures
Sneak Peek #9: World Geography
Sneak Peek #10: Book of Centuries
Sneak Peek #11: Foreign Language
Sneak Peek #12: Living Library
Math Recommendations:
Package Pricing for 2013:
Placement Chart for World Geography: