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Can Dictation be done together?

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:05 pm
by mrsrandolph
My daughter (10) and my son (9) are on 2 different levels of dictation. Is there any way for me to do them at the same time, or would this just be too confusing.

I am thinking it would probably be too confusing for one child to be working on a phrase and to hear another child's phrase being read.



Re: Can Dictation be done together?

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:07 pm
by Maadrose
I have 3 doing dictation. 2 are on the same level but not the same passage. The thir is on a different level. I quietly whisper a phrase to one then go on to the next student and whisper a phrase then next student next phrase etc. they know to wait patiently until I get back to them. This took a few trial an error sessions until we got it down. It's all in the training. You can train your dc to do dictation how you want them to do dictation. :)

Re: Can Dictation be done together?

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 8:50 am
by frankesense
mrsrandolph wrote:My daughter (10) and my son (9) are on 2 different levels of dictation. Is there any way for me to do them at the same time, or would this just be too confusing.

I am thinking it would probably be too confusing for one child to be working on a phrase and to hear another child's phrase being read.
My ds (10) and dd (8) are in two different levels of dictation too. We do ours at the same time, and you would think that it would be confusing but it hasn't seemed to be a problem for us. My kids have done really well, rarely having to repeat a passage. You could try it with your kids and see how it goes...


Re: Can Dictation be done together?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 4:58 pm
by my3sons
I think it depends on the dc. I tried this with my oldest and my middle ds, but my oldest ds became frustrated and couldn't remember his because he was listening to his brother's too. I think you could give it a try, using the wonderful idea of whispering the phrases already shared, and see how it goes! For us, the extra 5 minutes to do it separately was worth it, but if it works well at the same time, why not save the time, right?!? :D

In Christ,