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Preparing Question - Basic Package Read-Alouds
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 1:58 pm
by psreit
I know we have a long way to go before we even get to Preparing (probably close to a year, since we are only doing 3 days of Preparing most weeks), but I am looking ahead in case I want to begin collecting some of the read-alouds. Since the basic package is an add-on to the economy package, I was wondering what most of you use. I feel like I'd be missing something if I don't use the basic package. I'm assuming the parent reads these, as there are independent readers in a separate package. One of the most beneficial learning times for my dd is when I read to her, since her eyes can't handle a lot of reading herself because of her vision problems. But, I don't want to overwhelm her with too much information. I guess if we go half speed, which is probably what we would do, that shouldn't be too much. Are the plans for the read-alouds scheduled in the guides? I just thought I'd get a jump on Preparing since the package cost will be a lot at one time. Thanks for your help.
Re: Preparing Question - Basic Package Read-Alouds
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 2:15 pm
by mom23
Yes, the Basic package are books that you read aloud to your child. They are scheduled in the guide. These books are some of my dd's (and my!) very favorites!
The books that your dd would read on her own from the Preparing guide are in the Science add-on pkg, and the deluxe pkg. Those are scheduled in the plans, telling the child what pages to read and what to do with them. The History (Economy pkg.) and the Basic pkg. books are all read aloud by the teacher.
Re: Preparing Question - Basic Package Read-Alouds
Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:49 pm
by my3sons
We used the Basic Package as well, and they are wonderful books!
They have pages/chapter numbers scheduled in the daily plans in the Storytime box. The readings are not that long in PHFHG; in fact, they are very manageable in length, for both the Basic Package books for Storytime (which you are reading) and the Deluxe books for the Independent History box (which she is reading). HTH!
In Christ,
Re: Preparing Question - Basic Package Read-Alouds
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:52 pm
by psreit
Looks good.
I didn't realize those were the storytime books. I definitely want to include those.
Would the independent study be too much for a child who would just be finishing the ER books? Angie's reading is not very strong yet. But, those books look good too.
Sorry, I meant in my original post that we were doing BIGGER half speed or so, not Preparing.
Re: Preparing Question - Basic Package Read-Alouds
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:25 pm
by pjdobro
I would think that the extension books would be way too much for someone that is just finishing the ERs, at least to read themselves. It might be possible to read those aloud as an extra. They are great books and I had many of them already so I had my dc read them as extensions without requiring any follow-ups. They were both reading at least at a 5th or 6th grade level at the time and after the first few books, the reading became too much of a challenge for them. I don't know if it was actually the level or the length of the reading that was the issue but after a ways into the year, we had to cut out the extension reading. They are wonderful books though and I highly recommend them. The ones that we didn't make it through during Preparing, we are saving and going through them bit by bit.
Re: Preparing Question - Basic Package Read-Alouds
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:38 pm
by psreit
Patty-Sorry I didn't clarify. I was referring to the Self-Study Deluxe History Package(for the newly independent readers), not the extension package. I'm not sure which you were referring to. Angie definitely would not be doing the extension package for older students, even though she would be doing this into 5th grade. I guess I will wait to see how her reading is coming along by then. If it is too much, maybe we will use some of Deluxe History books for more read-alouds just for fun. I saw how there are some drawing activities and thought that may be something she would enjoy doing. It's the actual reading that could be a problem. But they look like great books.
I'll just wait to order them until closer to that time if we decide to use them.
Re: Preparing Question - Basic Package Read-Alouds
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:17 pm
by frankesense
I would definitely include the storytime books. We have really enjoyed reading them together. Besides the History book, "Grandpa's Box", they are our favorite part of Preparing. The books tie in so nicely with the time period being studied in history. We have also really enjoyed the Independent History books too. They too, tie in well with what is already being studied and it has helped me to get my kids working more independently. It took a little time for them to get used to working on their own as I was much more involved in everything in all the guides leading up to this one. But they have just taken off now and are doing so well and are so proud of what they have accomplished. For me, these books were worth the extra money to add to the program.
Re: Preparing Question - Basic Package Read-Alouds
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:35 pm
by pjdobro
Ok, sorry I misunderstood. I think she will be fine with the Independent History study books. I highly recommend them. Most of them are on an easier reading level and shorter. There are drawing activities as well. I think the activities are great and likely she will do fine with the reading.
Re: Preparing Question - Basic Package Read-Alouds
Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 7:23 am
by MomtoJGJE
I would definitely get the Independent History stuff! They are by far our favorite on the history side. We don't really care for the storytime books though. It's gotten better since we alternate days of reading them though. I know they are meant as a read aloud, but we just can't get through them that way. But the Ind His books are awesome! I wish THOSE were read alouds!
Re: Preparing Question - Basic Package Read-Alouds
Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 8:45 am
by psreit
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm definitely going to add the deluxe package. I am confident by then my dd will be ready for more reading. Her vision (eye tracking) is the problem. It is better, but she still can't handle a lot of reading at one time. She will just be starting DITHOR at the same time, so I'm not sure what to expect. But, if not, we will do those for read-alouds as well. She loves being read to. Just by looking over the list, I agree that they look like great books.