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Dictation is easy ...

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:09 am
by Heart_Mom
My 8 year old daughter just finished both spelling lists, and we've started Bigger's dictation this week. The dictation passages are really easy for her. Should I still do one a day, or do two a day, or would it be better to skip ahead to a higher level? I own all the guides up to CTC.


Re: Dictation is easy ...

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:38 am
by mom23
How was she handling the spelling (list 2 that she just completed)? I think if that was also easy for her it wouldn't be a bad idea to experiment with a later dictation passage. Just stay in the same level, but choose a different place to dive in.

In general, I think it's a good placement if they have to repeat 1 or 2 dictation passages per week. If they never have to repeat it's probably too easy, but you don't want them stuck on the same passage all week long, either!

Re: Dictation is easy ...

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:54 am
by LynnH
I agree I would just skip up higher in the level and see how she does. I would still only do 1 a day.

Re: Dictation is easy ...

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:46 am
by melissamomof3girls
Well, I may not be doing the right thing, but my 9 year-old does two a day. We are just moving through them. She is doing great with that and it's not too much for her.

Re: Dictation is easy ...

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:26 pm
by my3sons
You could try around passage 50 and see how she does. :D The passages do get harder, and it is surprising the errors dc do make as they move through them, so I'd probably give that a good 2-4 weeks before fast forwarding any more. HOD follows Charlotte Mason's model of dictation, which is a steady pace of attempting 1 dictation passage each day. The passages are meant to be moved through systematically this way, and I agree repeating 1 or 2 a week has been a good 'fit' for our dc through the years. HTH! :D

In Christ,

Re: Dictation is easy ...

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 6:43 pm
by Heart_Mom
Thanks, Ladies! :D

I'll try jumping ahead and see how that goes.