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Overlooking the small miracles....

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 9:17 pm
by Marty D
The kids are in bed, and so it is time to sit and think through my day! :D It has been kind of a hard day because my middle ds started throwing up right before lunch, and we were at grandma's house to see relatives. (Middle ds, Daniel, has some stomach issues, and we are not sure what is going on. He is better now, and ate like a pig this evening.) I know this is minor, but it throws me off. Throw-up is like the worst!!! :cry:

Anyway, after getting the kiddos to bed, I was thinking back through the day, and I realized what my oldest ds, Nathanael, had done today. A little history first. Nathanael has been diagnosed with PDD (pervasive developmental disorder), mild dyslexia, a mood disorder, and severe ADHD (the ADHD poster boy!) When I started teaching him to read I was using ABeka. We got no where. We tried a couple of things, and then stumbled on Scaredy Cat Reading. I tried it, and WOW it was great! But, he would still not read in front of anyone but me. Earlier this year he started reading to his grandmother some, and when my mom came in a couple of weeks ago, he read for her.

Normally when we have company, Nathanael says hello, gives hugs, and then retreats to a place where he does not have to socialize (his PDD is right on the edge of the autism spectrum). Today, when we arrived at grandma's house, Nathanael not only stayed in the room, but he went and got an Amelia Bedelia book and read to everyone!!!

Sad thing is, I was so involved with Daniel being sick, and feeling overwhelmed, I did not take notice of it right away. Not until the house is quiet did I take time to realize what an accomplishment it really was.

Just wanted to share with you all, and thank God publicly. I will be quiet now.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 9:24 pm
by Jessi
Oh Martha, that is just precious! You are doing wonders with and for your children by investing so much in their successes in life. Good for you and your son! Every accomplishment is like a badge on your vest. Wear it proudly. God is so good to give you the time to reflect and remember. Cherish these moments.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 9:30 pm
by netpea
How wonderful! I am overjoyed for you! Give that little guy an extra hug tomorrow.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 9:33 pm
by beandip71
Praise God! I love how He reveals Himself to us through our children. :D


Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 9:56 pm
by Kathleen
I'm so happy for him...and you! :D He must be getting really confident with his reading. You'll have to give him some extra hugs and high-5's for that one. (Or some 7's as my nephew would say...who says we have to use the #5?? :wink: )

Sorry about your throw up - I know what you mean about it being the worst! :x My 4 yo tried throwing-up in order to get her way recently...I think she's figured out that it isn't working. :roll:

Thanks for the inspiration to appreciate the growth in our kids. Sometimes I forget to look. :oops:

:D Kathleen

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 12:33 am
by Carrie

That's twice today you have me tearing up (which is no small feat)! :D
I am cheering with you tonight for the blessing of a son who's reading to an audience and glorifying the Lord with you for what I'm sure is an answered prayer.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 4:00 am
by MainelyJen
Oh, Marty, I'm thanking God with you for this blessing. Moments like that really touch your heart. What a joy!

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 7:13 am
by Vicki
That's so precious! Praise God for such a powerful testimony you've shared, and especially for a wonderful blessing! \o/

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 8:53 am
by shera
That is just great!! Give him some extra hugs and high 10's
