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What dictionary do you have for your kids to use?
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:24 am
by MelInKansas
We just started Bigger and there are vocabulary exercises, where the child will look up vocab words from the History readings in a dictionary and create their own vocab notebook (or notecards, but we are using a notebook, my DD couldn't copy it onto a card). My husband felt we should just have her use the dictionary we already own, so we tried that. There are two problems with it. First, this dictionary (the Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary), one of the criticisms of it is that it often uses other forms of the same word in the definition. So you have to go through and find whatever they consider the "root" word to be to get an actual definition that isn't just a repeat of the word. The main problem for my DD though is that the definitions themselves usually contain several words she does not know. I think we need something that is more geared towards kids, or at least with lower level definitions.
Do any of you have dictionaries you have used and loved with your 7-8 year old child? I appreciate any recommendations. At this point vocab work is like pulling teeth, but my DD loves learning about words, we always have great discussions when I am just talking through the meaning of a word with her, so I really want her to love using the dictionary also instead of feeling like it is an exercise in futility.
Re: What dictionary do you have for your kids to use?
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 7:40 am
by frankesense
We use a good Children's Dictionary. This has worked for us and the definitions are much easier to understand. Only occasionally has there been a word they've been doing that isn't in the children's dictionary. In that case we have used the free online children's dictionaries - one is and then we click on the beginner's dictionary - the other is
Re: What dictionary do you have for your kids to use?
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:32 am
by lissiejo
We use the Meriam Webster Children's dictionary. It is pretty inexpensive and has beautiful pictures. My girl takes it off the shelf to read on her own sometimes because she likes it so much
Only because of the pictures though! I like that each letter is color coded with tabs on the page so it's easy for her to look through. The definitions are very thorough but also simple enough for her. There have been one or two words not in there, but we are only opting to do two words per unit rather than all 3 so we just did the other word.
I think there are some evolutionary references for some words if that is a concern for you. I know it isn't for everyone, but it is in our house. I have already explained to my daughter that some science books are written by people who don't believe what we believe about Scripture and that was a good enough answer for her!
Re: What dictionary do you have for your kids to use?
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:48 pm
by Larica
My 8yo dd is in Bigger also. We use the American Heritage Children's Dictionary. There have been a few words that weren't in there, so we also have the American Heritage Student Dictionary, which has had every word we've needed. We are quite pleased with both. (We also have the American Heritage Children's and Student thesaurus too.) I went with these particular books after coming across others' recommendations for them a year or so ago.
Re: What dictionary do you have for your kids to use?
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:35 pm
by MelInKansas
Thanks for those recommendations! I will definitely look at those dictionaries.
Re: What dictionary do you have for your kids to use?
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:14 pm
by moedertje
In Bigger we mostly used a BJU press children's dictionary, if ds could not find a word, we would look together online or in the 1828 Webster Dictionary we have!We have like using different resources! Occasionally the meaning of the word was in the text, so we have used that as well.
Success in finding what will work for your family!
Re: What dictionary do you have for your kids to use?
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:29 pm
by chillin'inandover
We used Scholastic Children's Dictionary. Older kiddos were in ps through k & 2nd grade and were required to have that so it is from 1996. I had a Webster College Dictionary I used for a few words in Preparing. My ds struggled with assignments requiring dictionary use so I gradually provided less assistance. Initially he required more assistance, such as writing on card, thinking of sentence, finding word, and understanding word. Definitely an acquired skill, but also necessary skill. Tammy