I have good news - actually, he did a beautiful job of using imagery, and he did exactly what he was supposed to do!

According to the plans, "imagery means using words that paint a picture or an image in the reader's mind." The plans suggest students use imagery to describe the desert by using phrases such as
blazing sun, scorching heat, sand dunes, cactus country, poisonous fangs and sharp stingers, saguaro cactus giants with sharp spines, chilly night air, and
predators stalking their prey.
Your ds did a lovely job of using imagery by painting a picture or an image in the reader's mind by choosing these phrases...
... sun is scorching my head
... hawks are sipping... fruit juice... from a saguaro cactus
... lizard scuttling under a rock
... kingsnake strikes and gobbles up a kangaroo rat
... honeyant scrambling in its hole
I think your ds's writing is wonderful, and not at all scripted sounding such as ps writing can sound!

The lesson does not ask him to use metaphors or similes, so he met all of the writing requirements laid out for this lesson. I'd give him a big hug and let him know he did a good job of using imagery in his desert paragraph!

Reading it makes ME want to visit his desert - well, all except for the snake and the kangaroo rat bit.

Good job ds, and good job to you as the Mom!
In Christ,