While you can always use the Home Instructor's Guides or the Teacher's Guides carried on the Singapore website, it is good to know that Sonlight partnered with Singapore math to bring SIngapore to the U.S. For this, we are very grateful, as SIngapore math is designed around a tremendous philosophy for learning math concepts!
However, this also means that as part of that partnering, Sonlight wrote their own Home Instructor's Guides for use with Singapore math. The Home Instructor's Guides are not a part of the Singapore series but are actually Sonlight's intrepretation of SIngapore math. The HIG's can be very helpful at the upper levels, but they do stray from the Singapore method laid out in the textbook at times and do make the lesson very teacher heavy with many additional examples to teach and various ways to solve the problems. These additional examples and teaching lessons can be a blessing as a reference tool when you are stuck but can also be a burden if you use the guides to teach from on a daily basis.
With this in mind, at HOD we carry the HIG only for levels 5A/5B and 6A/6B with the thought that they should be used for reference only when you are stuck on a concept. We do not carry the guides at the lower levels, because we believe they change the entire feel, flow, and design of the Singapore program at those levels. If you do desire to use the HIG at the lower levels, we'd advise you to use them in a reference capacity, only pulling them out when you hit a roadblock, rather than teaching from them directly each day.
It is also good to know that the author of Sonlight's home instructors guides is a moderator on the Singapore forum, so this explains the push on the Singapore forum for inclusion of the Home Instructor's Guides as a "necessary'" component to teach Singapore math.
As moderator, she answers most of the questions on the Singapore math forum.
We have taught the SIngapore program solely from the HOD guides and the Singapore textbook/workbook combination through 6A/6B and found this method works well. I did refer to the HIG for 5A/5B on one occasion and did refer to the 6A/6B HIG on 4 different occasions. Otherwise, we did not use the HIG. If you are not comfortable teaching math, you may refer to the HIG more in 5A/5B and 6A/6B than we did. In the levels below 5A/5B, it is good to try to teach the Singapore series directly from the the textbook/workbook along with HOD's hands-on lessons as an aid as much as possible to keep the lessons manageable and to stick to the main concepts in the textbook/workbook. It's important to remember that not all concepts are meant to be "mastered" before moving on. Rather, many concepts are only introduced and practiced in the younger years.
As far as the Teacher's Guides that are carried on the SIngapore math website, we would advise not purchasing these at all. This is because the Teacher's Guides are very classroom oriented and not easily applicable to the homeschool setting.
Remember, if you do choose to buy the next HOD guide in order to have the hands-on math plans, you are purchasing a guide that you will need the following year anyway. Plus, when you purchase the rest of the Economy Package needed for that guide the following year, HOD will give you credit for the purchase of the HOD guide, so you still receive the Economy Package discount.
All you have to do is drop us an email or note it in the instructions at checkout.
From a financial perspective, when you purchase an HOD guide for the hands-on math plans, you do not need to purchase the textbooks (as the HOD guide's plans replaces the need for a textbook in 1A/1B and 2A/2B). This saves you money as well. If you purchase the HIG, you will be spending money on those guides, still need to purchase the textbooks along with the workbooks, and not have HOD's hands-on math plans. Then, the following year you'd still need to purchase the next HOD guide to teach from for the rest of your subjects. So, this is something to keep in mind!