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EASING my daughter into writing more

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:21 am
by mrsrandolph
I admit that I have not done a good job about MAKING my 10 year old daughter write very much. She is in Preparing now. Because she is 10 (4th grade), She should REALLY be doing more writing. She only writes 2-3 sentences now, and she finds that taxing. She is lazy, I admit it.

How can I ease her in to more writing? I know she needs it.

We do use copywork from Writing with Ease that teaches grammar concepts in the process of copywork from works of literature.

She is just now learning Cheerful Cursive, so this writing would be in manuscript.

Thanks for any suggestions!

Re: EASING my daughter into writing more

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:52 pm
by tiffanieh
I do agree that a 10 year old should be able to write more than 2-3 sentences. However, I think Preparing is a perfect guide to help her slowly build up this skill. I would simply make sure you are ULTRA consistent in what is required of her. If she's been able to dictate to YOU the amount of writing that she will do, then any hesitation, or "give" that you allow will only empower her further to complain and whine. I would make sure that she is doing all the copywork and writing that is required in this guide. Then to build up her endurance slowly, I would increase the lengths of her written narration work. She may be doing 2-3 sentences now, but next week I would require minimum of 3 sentences for a couple of units, then increase it to 4 sentences. Like I always tell my children, it's really not about the number of sentences, it's about expressing yourself clearly enough to make your paragraph strong and exact. That might take 3 sentences, or it may need 5.

I would just continue to be very consistent with her and I'm sure you will see her writing blossom as she continues her way thru the guide!

Re: EASING my daughter into writing more

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 8:19 pm
by my3sons
I think tiffanieh had super advice! :D PHFHG will help dd continue to strengthen her writing skills if you can just keep at it slowly, day after day. I'd consider dropping Writing with Ease and focus on getting her to the point of being able to do all of the writing that is assigned in the daily plans of PHFHG. Dc have to exercise their "fine motor muscles" each day, gradually building strength, much like we would work on building body muscle to lift free weights. Starting with a smaller "weight" and working up gradually to a larger "weight" and then adding reps is how large muscles can be built. Building fine motor skills strength works much the same way, only it uses the "mighty pencil". :D HTH!

In Christ,

Re: EASING my daughter into writing more

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 7:46 am
by mrsrandolph
Thanks guys. I am too much of a softy!!