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The 1st Two Days

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:32 pm
by Wolfemom
Hello, I don't post much. But I read A TON of the great comments and questions here and they have helped me so much. We have been doing HOD for a while now (this will be our 6th year). It's still, after all this time, an ever changing plan (because we keep adding kids). But I'm truly,finally, excited for this year. So I thought I would share some light-bulb moments I've been having and how that has impacted our 1st two days of school.

I have 5 children (10, 8, 6, 3, 1) and for the last two years it frankly hasn't been to much fun to homeschool because of the insanity and chaos. So this year my theme is "kinder and gentler." And I've taken the two oldest (starting RtR & Preparing) down to 1/2 speed and then the 1st grader is doing full speed. We are just two days into all this, but it is already light-years better than it has been for the last couple of years. I've been combing these boards and I decided on a few things. 1. The school-age children can get their own breakfast when they wake up. I keep trying to make hot healthy breakfast. But when it takes up 1/2 hour of the morning. And sometimes I don't get it done right away. It's too much time. 2. I realized that I can't leave the two youngest without direct supervision (they were with us, just across a gate in the playroom). So now I have it scheduled that one of the older kids is with them at all times. Much calmer. And a nice break for the older's as well. 3.The RtR child is 10, and a really young 10 (birthday in June) and I basically just pushed her through last year. I have just felt like "we have to get this done!" But this year I wanted to let her have enough time to enjoy it all. And she is actually excited about school. 4. I loved Carrie's advise in a previous post to bring them up to full-speed one at a time. So once the 1st grader is doing well. Then I'll start with the Preparing child. And once he is doing well with full-speed, I'll see where the RtR girl is and take it from there.

The 1st two days have been great. I'm actually getting to the school for the 1st grader (her Kinder was quite... sparse). And I'm not stressing about the whole day not getting done. We even (gasp) have some time to spare and are getting everything in.

Lord willing, it's the start to a great year. :)

DD (10 - RtR)
DS (8 - Preparing)
DD (6 - LHFHG)
DS (3)
DD (1)

Re: The 1st Two Days

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:51 pm
by glperky
Thanks for sharing. It is always encouraging to read about others good days! :D

Re: The 1st Two Days

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:10 pm
by raceNzanesmom
:D So glad you finding what works for YOU.

Re: The 1st Two Days

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:05 pm
by amysue277
Thank you for posting this. I have often wondered how I will do this (and keep my sanity intact), so you have given me some new ideas to try.

Re: The 1st Two Days

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 9:42 am
by momtofive
Good job getting everything to work so nicely! :D It truly makes such a difference when you can enjoy what you're doing with your children. It makes learning so much fun and then your kids "catch the fever" and really enjoy it a lot, too! School has so much more quality that way. Don't feel bad about dropping back to half speed for a few of your kids. Especially with the ages you listed, it sounds like a great plan! :wink:

I, too, have five children and have also learned that life can be so much better when they help out a little. One of my children really likes being the breakfast person. She loves being the one in charge of getting everyone's breakfast ready and set out on the table. I try to encourage her by reminding her that she's blessing others with her gift of service! :wink: We also started a little chore training which has GREATLY reduced my stress, just by having them help out with a few things they are capable of doing. Anyway, just wanted to congratulate you on a good start to your year! :D

Re: The 1st Two Days

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:12 pm
by 8arrows
I love the "kinder, gentler" motto. I will be thinking about that as we school tomorrow and throughout the year. Thank you for the reminder!

Re: The 1st Two Days

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 7:44 am
by lissiejo
I'm so encouraged that you found a way to make it work! Sometimes I get bogged down with the struggles and forget I really just need to seek out a solution instead of complaining! I do the same with my older two kids and the youngest that you do. When I need to work with one by myself the other goes and plays with the littlest. Makes everyone happy :)

Re: The 1st Two Days

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:18 am
by my3sons
These are great light bulb moments that are sure to help others! :D I am so glad you are enjoying your days, and taking time to "smell the roses more" this year. I am thinking on how I want our year to go this year too. The 'kinder, gentler' thought is a great one. May God continue to bless your homeschooling this year Wolfemom! Thanks for sharing inspiration here! :D

In Christ,