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I am home..., Missed you!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 3:11 pm
by MamaMary
Hi Beautiful Girls,

Thank YOU for all your prayers. I felt them. We arrived Wednesday night and I felt as though there was a heavy "feel" in my heart. I was stepping WAY out of my comfort zone.

Short Version:

Here's the link:

Detail version:

When we went to check our room (the one we were speaking in) I found out:

1- They did not have a hand held Mic. I had to stand at a podium and talk. (for the record, I MOVE while I speak, I act out when I'm sharing my stories, so this really threw me)

2- I found out they didn't have anyone to run my powerpoint.., "I" had to do it. :shock: :shock: :shock:

I went to bed that night, in a strange place, away from all that is familiar and had the hardest time sleeping. I kept trying to rehearse my speech, but since I couldn't talk out loud I couldn't get pass, "Hello my name is Mary Arnold" :roll: :lol:

The verse from Psalm 27:8 comes to mind, "My Heart has heard you say, "Come and talk with me. My heart responds, "Lord, I am coming"!

I awoke early Thursday morning, and as I started to talk with the Lord I felt a peace that started at the top of my head and went all the way to my toes. It was truly a miracle. It ended up being such a wonderful experience. As we finished, we had women standing in line taking down our e-mails and sharing their Betty and Olive stories. (that was my favorite part)

The Lord walked out.., "His strength being made perfect in my weakness"!

My all time favorite speakers this weekend were Dave Weber (first time we've ever had him at our convention) and Gregg Harris!

I blogged pictures of the talk as well as all the things I bought. My favorite purchase was my new "Life Time Organizer".

I was So glad I didn't have to worry about buying my core program. I am a "Hoddie" all the way! :wink:

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 3:49 pm
by my3sons
Mary -
I so wish I could have been there to hear you speak (and also just to hang out with you)! I just got done looking at your blog on the convention, and it was fun even just reading it - I can't imagine how exciting it must have been to actually be there!

I think God has blessed you with so many gifts and talents, and He has certainly chosen wisely about bestowing them to you. You are like the parable in the Bible where the Master entrusts His servant with 5 talents, and when He returns, His servant has doubled His talents to 10 - in which case, the servant is given even more talents. Mary... you are the servant, and you are just overflowing with talents that are being doubled due to your faithfulness in using them for God's glory!

Thanks for sharing your favorites from the convention. I will be checking out the planner and a few of the other resources you mentioned. I'm so glad you enjoyed the convention... but selfishly I am even more glad you are back!!!

In Christ ,
Julie :o

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:35 pm
by water2wine
Mary Just wanted to say that I missed you and am so glad you are back! I read your blog. :D We have some similar taste in curriculum. I guess not shocking. :lol: Anyway welcome back!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:48 pm
by Kathleen
Mary - I'm so glad to see your :D face back!! What fun you had! I loved all of your pictures. (I really think that it would be great fun to be able to get together with a bunch of like-minded HOD moms... :wink: A HODie conference?)

We've used Our 24 Family Ways this year and LOVED it! We're planning to go through it again in a couple of years, as the kids get older.

:D Kathleen

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 9:00 pm
by annaz
Hi Mary! Welcome Back!

Ahh...your dh is so funny. Love the bathroom wall.

You have so much energy. I wish I had half of it. Looks like you had a ball. Love the room, woohoo!!!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 9:29 pm
by netpea
YAY! Mary's Back :!:

:D :wink: :lol:

It's just not as much fun without your smiling posts :!:

I missed you.

I'm dragged out the MOTH book I bought in August and putting together a summer schedule. (I didn't get one put together for this school year). I think the concept is wonderful, but I need help on the implementation. You'll have to let me know what you think of the Chore Packs, I don't have those...

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 3:42 am
by MainelyJen
Mary, we're so proud of you! I can only imagine myself being so anxious over the talk that I would want to. . .. run! LOL I'm so glad the Lord was able to use you to minister to the hearts of moms who need encouragement and support. . .especially as they are wrapping up their homeschool year and discerning for the next! Praise God!

You'll have to share how you like Managers of Their Chores. It's on my wish list!

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:53 am
by Jessi
Welcome back Mary!

Your blog was filled with such wonderful news, pictures, and new purchases. you are such a spirit-filled woman and in everything you write (even your blog) I sense the goodness of God pouring out.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 8:00 am
by MamaMary
Oooooh :cry: :cry: :cry: You girls!

I love how we truly are a family here! As I was driving home, I kept thinking how I couldn't WAIT until I arrived home, just so I could come back to this board and catch up!

Jen- I will share about the MOTChores next month. I am planning on putting it together when I go out of town.

Leeann- You are such an encourager! You always make everyone feels so loved. (((Warm Hugs)))

Ann- I am not feeling very energetic right now. I go.., Go..., GO and then I crash, crash, crash :roll:

Kathleen- When do you schedule 24 Family ways into your day? I was thinking of doing it at dinner?

w2w????!!!!! You can't say we have similar taste in curriculum and leave it at that?! Which one or one'S? :smile:

Julie- Your post was SO encouraging. Believe me I don't always exude encouragement. I'm sure I frustrate my friends at times when I forget details. :blush: Can you tell me where to find the reference for the servant? I would LOVE to read it! Is it in your book? Will I get to it? BTW, I think Betty's would LOVE the planner. But the real test will come as I go along..., will I follow thru? (hopeful HOPEFUL smile)

Jessi- Thank YOU! You do the same thing!

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 8:31 am
by Marty D
Welcome back Mary. I enjoyed reading your post and blog, though I was a little jealous :). Maybe in a few years, after the last of the boys is potty trained, I will be able to go to a conference for the whole weekend. :D Actually, I am going to a sign language conference for a weekend and my sister-in-law will keep the kids during the day while I am gone. That will be fun!

I have not said much on this forum, but I have enjoyed reading all the posts of others, and I must say, Mary, God has placed you here as an encouragement. I see it in every post you write.

I wrote to actually answer a question. It was not directed at me, but I was going to add my input anyway :lol:. I use the 24 family ways also, and my kids love it. I am not as consistent as I should be, but we have been doing it right before bed time. I like this to be one of the last things we think about before we go to bed. It makes even hard days end on a good note.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who makes this forum fun to just come and read, and learn. It is great to get advice from such wise women.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 8:58 am
by my3sons
MamaMary wrote:
Julie- Your post was SO encouraging. Believe me I don't always exude encouragement. I'm sure I frustrate my friends at times when I forget details. :blush: Can you tell me where to find the reference for the servant? I would LOVE to read it! Is it in your book? Will I get to it? BTW, I think Betty's would LOVE the planner. But the real test will come as I go along..., will I follow thru? (hopeful HOPEFUL smile)
The parable is found in Matthew 25:14-30. In Bigger..., there's an excellent discussion of this parable planned out in Unit 33, Day 5, and it links to the history theme of being visionary. Here's the key idea: There are many talented people who use God's gifts in a visionary way, but not all of them use their gifts to glorify God. Why were we given our gifts to begin with?

You can all see why I began thinking of Mary when doing this unit in Bigger... In fact, my ds and I had quite a discussion about Mary, and Carrie, and other moms like all of you here on this board that are not only visionary in their quest to homeschool, but also visionary because you are all choosing to glorify God in your homeschooling by choosing HOD, a Christ-centered curriculum!

This is a big calling ladies - and how special it is to be here sharing it together!

In Christ,

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 9:02 am
by my3sons
Kathleen and Martha -

What age do you think is a good age to begin doing The 24 Family Ways? I've looked at it so many times, but always thought it might be above my dc's heads. Do you do it with all of the children, or just the oldest? Do you plan on doing it again then when the younger children are older? Do you try to do this with dh too? And also, how long does this take to do, and do you do this daily? Any of your thoughts on this would be appreciated.

In Christ,
Julie :o

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 9:50 am
by MamaMary
Marty D wrote:Welcome back Mary. I enjoyed reading your post and blog, though I was a little jealous :). Maybe in a few years, after the last of the boys is potty trained, I will be able to go to a conference for the whole weekend. :D Actually, I am going to a sign language conference for a weekend and my sister-in-law will keep the kids during the day while I am gone. That will be fun!

I have not said much on this forum, but I have enjoyed reading all the posts of others, and I must say, Mary, God has placed you here as an encouragement. I see it in every post you write.

I wrote to actually answer a question. It was not directed at me, but I was going to add my input anyway :lol:. I use the 24 family ways also, and my kids love it. I am not as consistent as I should be, but we have been doing it right before bed time. I like this to be one of the last things we think about before we go to bed. It makes even hard days end on a good note.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who makes this forum fun to just come and read, and learn. It is great to get advice from such wise women.
Martha, THANK YOU! You are so encouraging! I hope this means you'll post more often? :hint: :lol: I like the idea of doing it before bed.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 10:27 am
by water2wine
MamaMary wrote:
w2w????!!!!! You can't say we have similar taste in curriculum and leave it at that?! Which one or one'S? :smile:
Well of course the first thing you state is what I most idenitfy with, "Let me start by telling you that I am a card carrying member of the "Heart Of Dakota" Fan Club. This is our core program":lol:

I carry that same card, I just don't look as cute and fun as you do. :D Hehehe!

But I have MOTH can't use it quite the way they say because I am too much of a Betty but it was very helpful and from that I devised my own little chore system and the idea to work in blocks of time. What I need is to set it all up HOD style if I could think of a way to get my home planner looking like and HOD manual I think we would have a hit there. But it's one that comes out over and over and it is very useful, I am just telling you the truth about my Betty self. Have looked at the other one and agonized over it but did not get it. But I do have some of her other books. And The Squire and the Scroll and it's sister because I have girls and you know courtship is huge in my head as being the way we are training them to go. I planned on using the coloring book to make a lapbook for my son this summer. And Our 24 Family ways. I am pretty much a character, Bible, courtship curriculum addict. That is all I have but all your stuff looked interesting. 8) Except for the thought of having six kids learning to drive, four of them at about the same time. :lol: That was horrifying to me but when the time comes I will ask you what worked. 8)

Glad you are back! I missed you and your presence on this board. I think having you and Carrie gone at the same time should not be allowed. Hehehe!

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 11:56 am
by Marty D
my3sons wrote:Kathleen and Martha -

What age do you think is a good age to begin doing The 24 Family Ways? I've looked at it so many times, but always thought it might be above my dc's heads. Do you do it with all of the children, or just the oldest? Do you plan on doing it again then when the younger children are older? Do you try to do this with dh too? And also, how long does this take to do, and do you do this daily? Any of your thoughts on this would be appreciated.

I use it with all three of my sons, though only my oldest ds actually probably "gets" it. The youngest is only 2, so I know he does not always understand, but he is in the room when I do it. My middle ds is 4 and he listens pretty well, but may not understand everything. I try to add some questions on his level. The coloring books would help with the young ones if I would remember to do them :lol:

Unfortunately, for now my dh does not join us He actually works in the evenings, so he is not home. I would love to have him involved, but even if we move the time, I am not sure that he would really be involved. I am praying about that.

Anyway, hope this helps.