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Questions in I boxes in Rev to Rev

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:58 pm
by LynnH
As I look thru my Rev to Rev guide I see several boxes where dc are asked questions, but they don't have to write the answers. I see this in the Poetry box, the Worthy Words box, sometimes in the Inventors study box and sometimes in the Reading About History box. I have planned on telling my ds that he will need to be prepared to answer those questions in our meeting times. Is this the right way to do that? I know if he doesn't think that he will be held accountable for the answers that he will have the tendency to not be as diligent in answering them.

Re: Questions in I boxes in Rev to Rev

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 3:17 pm
by my3sons
LynnH wrote:...I have planned on telling my ds that he will need to be prepared to answer those questions in our meeting times. Is this the right way to do that? I know if he doesn't think that he will be held accountable for the answers that he will have the tendency to not be as diligent in answering them.
That is exactly what we did, LynnH, and it worked great! :D It didn't take long, and Wyatt came prepared. On days we were short on time, I spot-checked, asking only a portion of the questions. But, on most days, I enjoyed discussing them all with Wyatt. The key ideas gave me the gist of the answers too, so it wasn't hard to do. Wyatt and I both grew to look forward to our meeting times together. It was a wonderful way to help Wyatt 'grow up' in the way we meet together for his school, but also help him be prepared to meet. HTH! :D

In Christ,

Re: Questions in I boxes in Rev to Rev

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:11 pm
by Kathleen
Thanks for asking this Lynn. :D Logging this info in my mind for when we get ready to go on school...which will be a few weeks. Still a little CRAZY out here on the farm this year. :wink: I'm sure we'll eventually get organized, but we may start school before then. I'm looking forward to Rev2Rev with Grant! (And I'm more than a little jealous of the fact that you have already read the books! I WILL eventually read them....maybe when Quinn does that guide...but I WILL!)

:D Kathleen