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Enjoying the summer, but looking forward to more HOD!

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:57 pm
by psreit
I just have to say that, although I am enjoying our summer break, I often think about getting into our next guide - Bigger! It seems strange to be looking forward to school when there are so many fun things going on through July. :lol: This is proof that HOD is such a wonderful curriculum. I have been learning so much myself and, although the three R's are a little on the harder side for dd, I know she has been learning and maturing through these guides. Don't want to rush the summer, but had to share my thoughts. :D Thank you HOD for making school exciting! :D

Re: Enjoying the summer, but looking forward to more HOD!

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 5:45 pm
by gmhaynes
I couldn't agree more! Every summer, I think to myself "We should school year round! What do we need a break for?" I'm enjoying extra time to get house projects done but I am heading into Preparing in the fall and I am so excited I can't stand it! I am certain that HOD has a lot to do with our excitement about school. I see mom's who are NOT using it and dread the new year...

Re: Enjoying the summer, but looking forward to more HOD!

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:03 pm
by glperky
We haven't started HOD yet bit plan on starting in the fall with LHFHG. I can hardly wait. Then I wonder why I am waiting, we HS after all, I can start when I want!! :lol:

Re: Enjoying the summer, but looking forward to more HOD!

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:10 pm
by psreit
I couldn't do school year round. June and July are pretty busy. I did want to continue some math and reading, but I'm not getting very far. :roll: :oops: I hope it is not too hard for dd to get back in the groove. August 6th is the target date for the beginning of our new school year. :D

Re: Enjoying the summer, but looking forward to more HOD!

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:10 pm
by psreit
I couldn't do school year round. June and July are pretty busy. I did want to continue some math and reading, but I'm not getting very far. :roll: :oops: I hope it is not too hard for dd to get back in the groove. August 6th is the target date for the beginning of our new school year. :D

Re: Enjoying the summer, but looking forward to more HOD!

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:23 pm
by RachelB
This is us to a "t"! We are having a wonderfully fun summer, but I can't help but check the board and dream about when I get to order our books for next year! I am so thankful the Lord led us to HOD - I can't believe that next year will be our 4th year!

Re: Enjoying the summer, but looking forward to more HOD!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:17 am
by Mumkins
Me too! Summer in July and August here, but I've decided to start in August. We'll do 4 weeks of school with a one week break, plus July off. I've never tried it before, but, I really don't like having 2 months of unstructured time. And it keeps us from having to take a long break:)