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C to C CD

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:42 am
by Kirsten
I am going to be using C to C in the fall and am wondering about the CD "what in the world." I have tried to get my kids to listen to audiobooks time and again and they and up tuning them out, playing, getting loud, etc. :cry: How long are the sections to be listened to? Should I "tag along" listening with them?
Thanks for any input!

Re: C to C CD

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:58 am
by LynnH
These are nothing like an audio book. She is very animated and enthusiastic about the subject. It is more like a lecture by a very excited professor. She tells interesting stories that bring the history alive. The segments are not very long. I am thinking 10 minutes is the longest, but I think they are usually shorter than that. I think you can search online and hear a sample. They don't have to answer questions or narrate after it. It is meant to be done Independently and it helps bring the pieces together for what they have already read about. I really don't think you need to tag along. One thing Carrie cautioned me about when I first started HOD was to not make assignments more than what was scheduled. Just let them listen and then move on.

Re: C to C CD

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:17 am
by my3sons
I agree with LynnH! :D My oldest ds has never been one to enjoy audio books, but he finds Diana Waring incredibly animated and interesting! He has enjoyed listening to her CD's in HOD - What in the World 1, 2, and 3 through the past years. This year he asked if he would get to hear the next one in his new MTMM guide - he gave a loud whoop when I said "yes"! :lol: The sessions are not that long, and I think your ds will enjoy them. HTH!

In Christ,

Re: C to C CD

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:53 am
by Kirsten
Thanks Ladies,
It helps me to know that they aren't that long. I think that will help out my kiddos.