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New and Need Some Placement Advice

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 10:26 am
by momof3bs
We were very excited to recently discover HOD curriculum! My two oldest sons (almost 12 and entering 6th grade and 9, turning 10 in early October, entering 4th grade) have been at a classical Christian school for their entire school careers until January; we also have a 5 year old who will start K in the fall.

I originally was going to put them into the RTR, because of the 10-12 age range, but when I got the catalogue it stated 5th-6th grade, which is a grade level above my middle son. They are strong readers and my 9 year old is advanced. They have a strong grammar background, though they used Shirley grammar and did not learn diagramming - only the Q&A flow. The hardest thing for both of them at home is writing, so that is my one reservation about putting them in RTR, with this being our first year in a Charlotte Mason style curriculum (which I love :D ). They've done literature studies, but have not done narration or dictation the way CM suggests.

Both boys have been through Ancient history (Greeks, Romans...), but I don't think repeating it with many of the living books would be boring for them. My main concern is that I want my oldest to be challenged and he is able to do a lot of independent work (though writing is like pulling teeth...he can do it, but we're working on confidence issues). I also love the Bible Studies and Science included in RTR...and the introduction to Shakespeare.

Do you think CRC would be a better place to start with some extensions for our older? Also, can anyone suggest some work we can do over the summer on grammar, writing and/or narration to get ready for the fall?

Thanks so much for reading!

Re: New and Need Some Placement Advice

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 6:40 pm
by Gwenny
Did you want to combine or are you open to separating? I wouldn't combine with that age spread. Have you looked at the placement chart?

Re: New and Need Some Placement Advice

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 10:12 pm
by 8arrows
I would definately combine (but that is what I do with my own crew so I am biased). Did you look at the placement chart? I have used Shurley English in the past. They will have a strong English background to pull from. I would also look at the first week samples from both CTC and RTR to see which you think is a better fit as well.

Re: New and Need Some Placement Advice

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 4:37 am
by momof3bs
Thanks for the responses! I am planning on combining the older 2 (almost 10 and 12 years old); and having our youngest start out in Little Hearts. (He's the easy one :) ) I did look at the placement chart and they're good with everything except the independent writing aspect for the RTR. From reading many posts on the board, it seems as if it would be a big mistake to place them at a level that is too advanced. I think the narration and dictation aspects are the parts I'm most apprehensive about, since it is mostly new to both of them. They did a lot of copywork, but not dictation at their previous school. I suppose we will just introduce it "gently"....I think CTC might be a better fit, but I'm really looking forward to RTR next year already!

Re: New and Need Some Placement Advice

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 11:26 am
by blessedmomof4
With this being your first year in a Charlotte Mason-style curriculum, your desire to combime, and with the writing issues you mentioned, I would lean toward placing your older two in CTC, with Extensions for the 12 year old. It is a great guide, which I have my 12 year old working on right now, with Extensions. It is easier to "beef up" for the older child rather than adjust for the younger-if your 10 year old has too much trouble with the writing in RTR and you adjusted down for him, he would not reap the benefits of the skills taught in that guide, and then would be totally unprepared for moving into Rev to Rev the following year. If you really want to give them a chance to develop skills (especially narration, dictation, and writing), you could go back as far as Preparing, which, as written, is appropriate for grades 3-4, and with Extensions is suitable for grades 5-6. I suggest this because you mentioned writing was "like pulling teeth", and there is a great deal of writing in CTC. To address the advanced reader, you can use DITHOR to meet his advanced reading needs. I noticed you are excited about Shakespeare-Preparing touches on Shakespeare in the Independent History package with the book William Shakespeare and the Globe, in Storytime with the book The Wonderful Winter and in the Extensions package with the book Shakespeare Stealer :) Preparing is a great year and could be just the intro to Charlotte Mason your kiddos need. Here are links to the first week of each program so you can print them out and compare side by side: ... glance.pdf
Keep in mind as you compare that for each, the boxes marked "I" in the daily plans are intended for your children to be able to accomplish, including reading and following all directions, independently. Any box marked "S" is semi-independent, meaning that you will need to get them started on the task or work alongside them. "T" boxes are teacher-directed. Hope that helps :)
PS- for your 5 year old, either LHTH or LHFHG are great K programs, depending on where your child falls in placement, and neither one will add too much time to your day :)

Re: New and Need Some Placement Advice

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:03 am
by my3sons
From what you've shared, CTC sounds like a solid placement, with extensions for the oldest. :D I actually am very excited for you to begin with CTC - why not start with the start of His Story, right? And I can guarantee you - CTC's look at ancient history is like none I've seen anywhere else. It is fresh, filled with living books, and an incredible way to learn about the ancients. :D CTC gives some teacher helps in the daily lesson plans for written narrations at the start of the guide. I think this will be integral in helping dc adapt to doing written narrations Charlotte Mason style. CTC assumes dc have been doing oral narrations, but I think the Appendix helps within CTC for oral narrations will be enough to jump start dc's narrations as you'd mentioned they are strong readers. :D "Write with the Best" will be a challenging writing program for them to do within CTC. We really enjoyed that, and it was an excellent way for my oldest to begin to look at the classic writers as helpers in helping him develop his own writing style. :D I would not start a child in RTR that is new to HOD, has not done as much writing, and is somewhat new to Charlotte Mason's techniques that is below 10 yo - or even that is 10 yo for that matter. :wink: It is challenging. CTC will be challenging aplenty, even for the 12 yo - especially with the extensions. I think you are going to have a wonderful year with CTC, extensions, and LHFHG! :D Welcome to the board - can't wait to get to know you more here! :)

In Christ,

Re: New and Need Some Placement Advice

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:18 pm
by momof3bs
Thanks so much for all the advice! I actually just ordered and received the Preparing Hearts and RTR guides to check them out before I purchased the complete package. I was drawn to Preparing because I love the Hillyer book, and to RTR because of the historical time period and wanting to challenge my oldest. To be honest, I have been reluctant to move towards CTC, because I felt the history would be redundant; Both boys have studied ancient history and we've spent a lot of time as a family studying Genesis and are going through the Bible chronologically right now. But after your latest post, I am reconsidering it. It would probably be the best fit skill-wise for my boys. Additionally, we are going to participate in a Classical Conversations group, which will be on the Ancients cycle this year. Sooo...still deciding, but am thankful for your input! :D