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What would you do? PLEASE!
Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 4:02 pm
by amysue277
Sorry for my desperate call for help, but I really am feeling desperate for some advice and a sign of what to do. I have posted on this before, and have poured over each and every combining post, and am still extremely torn. If you could please PLEASE consider my situation and offer your best advice, I would be forever grateful. I feel like this decision whether or not to combine, could set the stage for succes or failure with HOD.
We are just starting out. Ds 5.8, and 4.2 (in the fall), would be in K and prek technicallly. We will also have a 1.9 and 10 month old in the mix. I have 3 options the way I see it. Here is a peak inside my brain:
1. do LHTH, with the older materials, add in phonics, math, and the right side of LHFHG for the 5 year old.
pros-they'd be combined (YAY-more important later with my growing, busy family),would be perfect level (for history/bible) for my newly turned 4 yr. old
cons- not sure I'm totally in love with it at first glance, feel like I may be holding my 5 year old back, not sure the rhymes, etc go with my teaching style, repetition with letter activities, my 4 year old knows most letters-may be too simple?
2. Do LHTH with my 4 year old, and LHFHG with my 5 year old.
pros-each placed correctly
cons-NOT combined, they do EVERYthing together, can't see it working for that reason, 4 year old would repeat LHFHG the next year, or possibly do it 1/2 speed. Would he remember? Would it be redundant? Would I be foolish not to combine kids that are 18 months apart? Isn't that the beauty of HOD and why I was drawn to it?
3. Shelf HOD for this year, and find something else for K.
Pros-can start LHFHG the following year for 1st/K. Still challenging the older...
cons-Missing out on HOD for a year when I'm chomping at the bit to start, would LHFHG be too easy for an advanced 6.5 year old? Would it be too advanced for a ajust turned 5 year old? Do I want my younger son forever at the younger range of the guides?
Some things to consider:
* My son (5.5 now) is reading at a 1st grade level and also seems to be advanced in math.
* My son (3.11 now) knows 75% of his letters, 50% sounds, has a speech delay, maybe a tad immature for his age? Not sure what his abilities will be-too early to tell
* they are attached at the hip, in our family it's the "big kids" and the "babies"
* We plan to have #5 in a year or two (God willing) so would have 3 little ones coming down the line, which would mean potentially running 4 guides someday.Doable? Ideal? Foolish?
I feel like this is such an important decision that will honestly affect our future a great deal. Carrie is traveling so I'm not able to discuss it with her. I'm really hoping somebody might say SOMEthing that will clarify things for me. One day I'm 100% with combining, the next I'm set on starting LHFHG next year. My dh is torn too-wants to challenge our older, but knows practically it makes more sense to combine. HELP!
Thank you thank you thank you!
Re: What would you do? PLEASE!
Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 5:21 pm
by Tmisek
Hi Amy,
I was in a similar situation, so I will tell you what we may be an option for you, too.
Last year I combined my two youngest when they were newly 6 DS and newly 4 DD into LHFHG. We went half-speed together with the left side of the manual and storytime (every other day). I had my DS (who was 6) do the Kindergarten options full-speed (every day)...the Singapore K math, the R&S workbooks, and the Handwriting K. We also worked phonics at his speed. My Dd just worked on listening (a challenge at first
) and basic Pre K skills...we actually used the LHTH manual for this.
Then, this year we did the second half of LHFHG half-speed and my DS7 did the first grade options full-speed...Primary math 1A/1B (using the activities from the Beyond manual), Thinking Skills Grade 1, Handwriting A, and we are working through the Emerging readers (again using the schedule in the Beyond manual). We also added the Spelling list 1 from the Beyond manual. My DD5, then, worked the Kindergarten options in LHFHG full speed.
So now we are ready to begin Beyond in the fall. My Ds (who just turned 8 ) will be working the math from the Bigger manual, finish the Emerging Readers, finish Spelling list 1 and move onto list 2 when done, and basically just work Beyond as scheduled. My Dd (who will be 6 this summer) will work her level for math, finish phonics, and move onto the Emerging Readers when ready. That is my plan, anyway!
This has seemed to work so far for us. I pray you come up with a plan that works for your family!
Re: What would you do? PLEASE!
Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 6:14 pm
by farmfamily
I would try to combine them! I think your option #1 looks good. How good of a listener is your almost 4 year old? The reason I ask is there is another possible scenario:
Next year you do the left side of the plans in LHFHG at half speed (i.e. only do it 2-3 days a week). The first half the learning through history centered around the Bible stories. You can do the math and fine motor skills, reading etc. for your older son full speed, for your younger you focus on any letters he needs work on and maybe get him started in phonics - whatever he's ready for. You save the storytime (the Thornton Burgess books) for the following year. You can add in any amount of fun additional books from the library to interest your oldest - there are good suggestions in the appendix to LHFHG.
Then the following year you do the other half of LHFHG (left side of plans - this focuses on the rest of world history after the Bible, especially US history), the storytime full-speed, & the K math/language arts full speed for your younger son, and keep your older son moving along in math/reading, etc. - you can buy the Beyond guide if necessary to keep him moving along in those areas.
I started my younger daughter in LHFHG at a young age 5 and she did great. My older daughter still enjoyed LHFHG at age 7. My son is going to finish LHTH at 4.5 and I am going to pursue a slowed-down version of LHFHG for him in the fall, something like the above plan.
I see someone has just posted something similar to this suggestion as I stepped away to deal with some argument arbitration! I think it is a workable plan.
Well, I hope you find a great solution for your family. Combining is working great for us!
Re: What would you do? PLEASE!
Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 7:13 pm
by glperky
I think I could have wrote your post except mine are 4.5 yo and 6.5 yo, 22 months apart. Thanks for sharing your different ideas, they have given me somethings to think about. Would you mind posting what you come up with? Thanks!
Re: What would you do? PLEASE!
Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 7:20 pm
by amysue277
Ladies-I am very excited about your idea! I truly never considered starting LHFHG half speed. Perhaps you could speak to a few initial concerns:
This plan means that my younger son would be just 6 starting Beyond, and my older son 7.5. This would still always put my younger (Colin) at the young range of guides. I see so many posts saying that it is better to be at the upper age. I truly don't want to set him up for failure down the road, although I know it just depends on the child. That's something I can't foresee.
I suppose if I needed to, I could slow down either bigger or preparing? Which guide (beyond, bigger, preparing) would it make more sense to do half speed? Is there a big jump from one to another?
I am hoping a few others chime in, but I am loving this idea so far!
Re: What would you do? PLEASE!
Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 9:06 pm
by mommybelle
I like Tammy's response. I started my 5 yo DD in LHTH, and I just switched to LHFHG only 10 lessons into LHTH because I felt she needed to be challenged more. I don't think I would hold your almost 6 yo back to LHTH. We are doing LHFHG at half-speed also with my now 5.5 yo DD. I personally like doing it half-speed because I don't feel the pressure to finish so much in one day. We do try and do Phonics and Fine Motor Skills at full-speed though.
Since you mentioned that your almost 4 yo has some speech delays, I would recommend doing LHTH with him but still letting him join in on LHFHG at half-speed. My DD had some speech delays as well, and it was amazing how much she developed in 1 year from the age of 4 to 5 with those struggling sounds. I am glad I didn't start any reading with her at such a young age due to her speech delays.
Depending on the child, LHTH doesn't take that long, and I think you could actually do LHTH half-speed as well. I think it would be feasible to do the LHTH Bible lessons to coincide with the LHFHG Bible lessons (especially if you are going at half-speed with LHFHG). For example, if you are studying Noah's Ark in LHFHG, line the LHTH lessons up with the LHFHG lessons. If you have both guides to run at this point, at least you'll know whether or not your children are placed correctly, and they both will probably enjoy the activities in both. You'll know whether your youngest needs to do LHFHG again on his own in a year or two if you think you can manage two guides at this point. My understanding is that the older guides are less teacher intensive, so by then, you can focus on the younger children (and guides) and let the oldest children do the self-directed activities.
I like the idea of doing Phonics and Fine Motor Skills and possibly even math at full-speed with your oldest child. Then when you get to the last half of the LHFHG guide, you could move on to the 1st grade options.
Of course, I only have two girls at this point, so I know you have more things to think about. My biggest concerns from what I know about LHFHG and LHTH though is holding back your almost 6 year old. If the two children are so close, the four yo will probably also enjoy the rhymes in LHFHG. Even my 2 yo is enjoying those!
Also, here is a post I read that actually led me to homeschool with HOD from another mom with 6 children. She actually answers this question as to whether or not to combine. ... -with.html
Re: What would you do? PLEASE!
Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 12:11 am
by 8arrows
I love Tammy's idea!!!!
Re: What would you do? PLEASE!
Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 5:34 am
by gerka528
Tammy has a wonderful idea! My girls are 15 months apart and will be combined in LHFHG this fall with one being 6 and 3 months (1st grade) and the other just turning 5 in August (kindergarten). If you really want to combine, someone is always going to be on the young end of the guide. I believe that is part of the reason Carrie and Julie have said it's easier to run 2 separate guides with correctly placed children, than to try and tweak a program that really doesn't fit. Although your children are close in age, there is such an ability difference in these younger years. The best you can do is give it a try and see how it works with your children and be ready to make changes if necessary. Good luck!
Re: What would you do? PLEASE!
Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 6:59 am
by amysue277
gerka528 wrote:Tammy has a wonderful idea! My girls are 15 months apart and will be combined in LHFHG this fall with one being 6 and 3 months (1st grade) and the other just turning 5 in August (kindergarten). If you really want to combine, someone is always going to be on the young end of the guide. I believe that is part of the reason Carrie and Julie have said it's easier to run 2 separate guides with correctly placed children, than to try and tweak a program that really doesn't fit. Although your children are close in age, there is such an ability difference in these younger years. The best you can do is give it a try and see how it works with your children and be ready to make changes if necessary. Good luck!
Do you mInd sharing with me what you did this year?
Re: What would you do? PLEASE!
Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 8:52 am
by gerka528
amysue277 wrote:Do you mInd sharing with me what you did this year?
My girls went to Catholic school this year.
Re: What would you do? PLEASE!
Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 12:47 pm
by farmfamily
As far as Colin being on the younger end of the guide, I think the best plan is to not worry about it too much unless it becomes clear that you are asking too much at some point. I think it will be clear if you are. I know there is a jump in the amount of writing between Beyond and Bigger. We tried Bigger with my oldest when she was 7 and it was too hard, and that was only because of the amount of writing involved - everything else was fine for her. BUT, she had not completed Beyond. I believe each guide prepares you pretty well for the next.
We are currently just starting Beyond with my almost six year-old (5.11) and my 7.9 year old. I am going to do a four day week, so that my younger won't finish this guide until she has just turned 7. I can already see that my younger daughter is doing more writing than her sister was at this age - and I think a year of this much writing will prepare her nicely for Bigger. I'm not too worried. However, if we reach Bigger and my younger is not totally ready we will go half speed for a while - maybe 5 weeks to 9 weeks - whatever it takes. Or, we will do a four day week and finish up things not finished on the fifth day, or I will require a little less writing of my younger one in the beginning to ease her into it...
From Bigger on up there are extensions for older students, so if you do go half-speed for a little while you can read the extensions to your older student if you feel he needs a little more.
My older daughter had a speech delay, but she found learning to read easier than her younger sister has, and now her reading is excellent - in the beginning of 2nd grade she tested at half way through 4th grade in reading level, and she devours books! Her sister, who learned to talk young, has had more trouble with reading, though she does read at about grade level, I think. Both of them do fine in math. Writing is a little easier for my younger one. All that to say - you never know how your son will do!
Re: What would you do? PLEASE!
Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 1:55 pm
by mom23
mommybelle wrote:I like Tammy's response. I started my 5 yo DD in LHTH, and I just switched to LHFHG only 10 lessons into LHTH because I felt she needed to be challenged more. I don't think I would hold your almost 6 yo back to LHTH. We are doing LHFHG at half-speed also with my now 5.5 yo DD. I personally like doing it half-speed because I don't feel the pressure to finish so much in one day. We do try and do Phonics and Fine Motor Skills at full-speed though.
Since you mentioned that your almost 4 yo has some speech delays, I would recommend doing LHTH with him but still letting him join in on LHFHG at half-speed. My DD had some speech delays as well, and it was amazing how much she developed in 1 year from the age of 4 to 5 with those struggling sounds. I am glad I didn't start any reading with her at such a young age due to her speech delays.
Depending on the child, LHTH doesn't take that long, and I think you could actually do LHTH half-speed as well. I think it would be feasible to do the LHTH Bible lessons to coincide with the LHFHG Bible lessons (especially if you are going at half-speed with LHFHG). For example, if you are studying Noah's Ark in LHFHG, line the LHTH lessons up with the LHFHG lessons. If you have both guides to run at this point, at least you'll know whether or not your children are placed correctly, and they both will probably enjoy the activities in both. You'll know whether your youngest needs to do LHFHG again on his own in a year or two if you think you can manage two guides at this point. My understanding is that the older guides are less teacher intensive, so by then, you can focus on the younger children (and guides) and let the oldest children do the self-directed activities.
I like the idea of doing Phonics and Fine Motor Skills and possibly even math at full-speed with your oldest child. Then when you get to the last half of the LHFHG guide, you could move on to the 1st grade options.
Of course, I only have two girls at this point, so I know you have more things to think about. My biggest concerns from what I know about LHFHG and LHTH though is holding back your almost 6 year old. If the two children are so close, the four yo will probably also enjoy the rhymes in LHFHG. Even my 2 yo is enjoying those!
Also, here is a post I read that actually led me to homeschool with HOD from another mom with 6 children. She actually answers this question as to whether or not to combine. ... -with.html
I like this idea-I think it would be a great way to meet each child where they are right now, but still keep the door open to combining. I'm not usually a big fan of combining-having had a bad experience in our home with it; but with the age spread of your two kids I really think combining might be the best option to look at. It's just a little difficult right now, because, as a pp stated, the abilities can be very wide spread at these younger ages. Before you know it, they'll be much closer to each other and combining will probably be really smooth for you!
I guess I mostly wanted to encourage you that you don't have to have it all figured out perfectly right now. It's taken us quite a bit of trying different things to hit our stride with HOD and correct placement. We've had to back track to previous guides in the middle of one that's too hard, or with another child, skip guides to find one at the correct level. It's okay, though-they're all placed correctly now and aren't permanently damaged because they weren't placed perfectly at first (or second!) attempt.
Also, don't get too scared off by having a child at the younger end of the age range in each guide. That's why those age ranges are put there-some kids are correctly placed on the young end, and some are correctly placed on the older end. When combining you're going to have that. One guide will prepare them for the next, even on the younger end of the ages.
Re: What would you do? PLEASE!
Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 3:03 pm
by Tmisek
Wow! Looks like you are getting lots of good advice! I have a couple more thoughts.
The year that we did the first 17 units of LHFHG, there were things that my young dd could pretty easily the art projects, music, Bible Verse, and Science. But the history readings and Burgess Books were a bit of a stretch for her (meaning as long as she was in the same room, I was happy...and sometimes she would disappear
) I was okay with that because I viewed her main curriculum as LHTH that year. I really liked farmfamily's advice on waiting until the next year, when Colin is 5, to do the Burgess Books, and then doing them full-speed. My dd missed out on the first ones because she wasn't ready to listen to them. However, I do plan to read some of them this summer to her because they are really good!
As far as my youngest being on the low end of the guide age-wise, I'm not too worried about that yet. We will see how things go and make adjustments if necessary. I am sure I will need to assist her more than my older guy, especially at first, and that's okay. I would even consider un-combining if needed, too. But right now things are good! And I know you too will come up with a good plan that fits your family!
Re: What would you do? PLEASE!
Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 3:54 pm
by bethelmommy
Hi Amy,
My kids are 18 months apart as well and we are combining. I was not able to do LHTH with my first two because my oldest ds's skill levels were all over the place. He has mild CP and Autism. So, we just read through SL pre-k books, LHTH bible resources, worked on fine motor skills, and did lots of therapy up until January of this year. At that time, both ds and dd seemed to place in LHFHG so I decided to give it a go. Ds was 5.9 and dd was 4.3. It has been going wonderfully well so far. We do LHFHG 3-4 days a week. Dd does it as written, except she practices reading everyday (usually 1 page a day from TRL) For ds, we do math, reading and writing 5-6 days a week. So, he is ahead in the guide for those subjects. This fall we will continue with LHFHG, but ds will start spelling, Emerging Readers, and math from the Beyond guide as he is ready. Dd will continue with the guide as written. LHFHG through Bigger are written as 5 day weeks, so doing the guides at a 4 day week pace builds in some extra time for the younger to mature.
You can also do the guide at half pace as previously suggested, I just wanted to share what is working for us. I truly believe the key to combining success for us was making sure both dc placed in the guide before we started. Ds could have started last year when he just turned 5, but dd wasn't ready until she turned 4 and even then I held off a few months and finished up other curriculum, even though I was chomping at the bit to start HOD. We truly couldn't be happier with the way school is going. The kids love doing school together. I am praying that you find peace with whichever decision you are led to make.
Re: What would you do? PLEASE!
Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 9:13 pm
by amysue277
Wow, what wonderful ideas! Somone asked if I could write what I've come up with, so here it is:
I think we will start LHFHG in the Fall! It really does seem like the best of both worlds. I figure I can still do HOD (which I'm super excited about) AND add in a few fun things too. I had a few resources I was looking forward to using next year,and felt sad to give them up..but now I don't have to!
I mapped it out last night and it seems I can do units 1-17 by doing just 2, sometimes 1 unit a month. This will give me plenty of time to add in some creativity, fun holilday things, etc...
I want to sincereley thank all who graciously chimed in. I was kind of desperate if you couldn't tell.
I'm looking forward to fantastic year!