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Question about DITHOR

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 1:55 pm
by jenchampion
I'm still trying to wrap my mind around everything, so bear with me.....With DITHOR, I am thinking I read somewhere that we will only do half the books this year and the rest next year....Is that right? And if so, if we wanted to do them all in a year, how would we work that?

Re: Question about DITHOR

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 3:09 pm
by beverett
Hello! jenchampion,
I was wandering which guide you were looking at using? :D :D I think in Bigger you do all 9 genres, and then in Preparing, I know you will do just half. I think if you reallllly wanted to do all 9 that you could do Dithor 5 days a week and get through the 9 genres. Though, my suggestion would be to start the way it is scheduled in your guide first, and then see if you really want to add the 2 extra days of Dithor in top of the work you would already be doing? :D :D

Re: Question about DITHOR

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 3:51 pm
by jenchampion
Well, my ds will be doing Bigger, and dd will be doing creation to Christ. So how would that work? I mean would they stay on the same genre and move on to the next genre at the same time? And on the days it says "All levels together", would we still be able to?

Re: Question about DITHOR

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 8:51 pm
by beverett
This is a very good question, and one that we will face in the future, so I would love to know myself waht others have done! My oldest did CTC last year, but for high school. He did do DITHOR, and I had him do Dithor 5 days a week so that he would do each genre...but I guess that was because I knew he would do a different literature this year and wanted him to get to do each of them and not miss out! The next time I will have a child in Bigger, I will have 2 in RTR (I think).....

Re: Question about DITHOR

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 9:27 pm
by holdinon
I think different people do it different ways. We have done it several ways.

We have done it together. The oldest would just do it every day (even the days she wasn't scheduled to do it). That worked fine at first, but I had placed her in 4/5 at the time and she could have done 6/7/8, so the "extra" work wasn't that difficult. Once she moved to her ideal placement, we backed off and had her do it only as scheduled. At that time we moved to having the younger one still read every day, but only do the work on the days that the older had a dithor day. (So if she was to read a 15 day book, we would break the readings into 24 days--or whatever number would even it out).
The last part of this year, we moved to doing it together for my oldest two, but separate for my next two. So I do Dithor 3 times on the days when my older girls have a dithor day. It hasn't been that bad at all. My 3rd and 4th kiddos need more one-on-one, but my older girls are more independent anyway, and don't take much time at all.

Here is a couple of past threads that may be some help in thinking through the options.
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8622&p=63360&hilit= ... els#p63360

viewtopic.php?f=6&t=11595&p=84109&hilit ... els#p84109

Re: Question about DITHOR

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:19 pm
by beverett
Thats awesome! :D :D Thank you! Personally, I will just wait then and see what best fits my kiddos at that time! :D :D

Re: Question about DITHOR

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 6:39 pm
by edsnyder
I am going to need to remember this... so I am posting so I can find it later LOL