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Question about Extensions:

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 10:44 pm
by Tree House Academy
I should know the answer to this, but I have allowed myself to do some doubting, so here goes:

My son will be 13 in August and is working at an 8th grade level schooling year round. He is in the first 1/4 of Rev to Rev right now and doing great...but I am not sure about whether or not I should have been using the extensions. We have NOT been using them because he falls right at the age range to NOT use them...however, gradewise, it seems like he SHOULD use them. So which should I go by...age or grade? I am thinking of this more now since we are about to enter high school around December of this year.

Re: Question about Extensions:

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 1:38 am
by mamas4bugs
Personally, I'd go by ability. :) If he needs them, then add them in. If not, then don't worry about it, at least not until Dec.

As far as high school goes, there was just an interesting thread on using the extensions instead of the basic books in high school, if you find yourself constrained by the time necessary to meet other high school class requirements.


HTH! We're about to have to navigate this whole high school thing ourselves. :)

Re: Question about Extensions:

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 6:14 pm
by my3sons
Hi Rebecca! Personally I wouldn't assign them. :D He is still in the target age range of RevtoRev, and truly doesn't need them. However, if he would enjoy reading them on the side at his leisure, then that may be neat to do. :) HTH!

In Christ,