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Foreign Language

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:43 am
by mrsrandolph
Are you teaching a foreign language, what language, what are you using, and at what age did you begin?

I am considering Prima Latina, but dread adding another thing to the schedule!


Re: Foreign Language

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:11 pm
by arstephia
We are using La Clase Divertida level 1 with my kids as a fun intro to foreign language. We sometimes do it during our "lunch" time for fun or in late afternoon and on our "free Fridays." We do it 3x a week. I don't schedule it with the HOD plans. I just want them to be exposed to some good Spanish instruction before it is required at the high school level so they have some familiarity with the language. That said, I will probably do the online option of La Clase Divertida for high school or maybe the Landry Academy course so they are getting the feedback from a Spanish speaking teacher, hearing correct pronunciation, etc. That is our plan. I don't know if Carrie is including a foreign language component to the high school guides. We will be into the high school years before those guides are out so that is why I am going the direction I am.

Re: Foreign Language

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:53 pm
by andreacress
I have used Latin for Children by Larsen & Perrin for the past 2 years. It's one of my son's favorite parts of the day. We started in 4th grade but I think you can start as early as 3rd. It comes with a set of DVDs. For most chapters you watch Dr. Perrin teach a short lesson and his children and their friends lead the chants for the week. It's kind of quirky by my son finds it very entertaining. There is a workbook that comes with it and CDs with the Latin chants on them as well. There are reviews interspersed throughout the book to help with retention. We only spend maybe 20 minutes on it a day and we only do 4 days a week. At that pace it took us 2 years to get through the first book, Primer A (We did spend considerable time reviewing at the start of the second year). Next year we plan to continue on with Primer B. I think this exposure will make it easy for him to grasp high school level Latin or any of the Romance languages should he choose Spanish, French, etc. Another plus is that he learns some English grammar and vocabulary along the way. Just a suggestion but it has worked for us. Also, I did not take Latin when I was in school and I have no problem using this program!

Re: Foreign Language

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:17 pm
by tiffanieh
We are actually considering doing Prima Latina next year as well. I bought it last year, but never got around to using it. My boys will be in 5th and 3rd. I hear that it may be too easy for my 5th, but I figured since neither of us have any latin experience it may be just our speed. Plus I can combine them together and that always makes it a plus in my book.

Re: Foreign Language

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:05 pm
by birchbark
We have been using La Clase Divertida for three years.