A few weeks ago I posted how frustrated I was about my7yo (mildly in the autism spectrum, possibly Aspergers) and my 5yo who did not seem to understand or enjoy any of the books from LHFHG. They could not answer the questions or retell the story . I wanted to update .
Occasionally , they still have difficulty answering some questions , but now , when there are only a few units left from the guide, I am excited to let everyone know how well they are both doing

They are enjoying Thornton books too and are a little sad we are ending the last one . Most of all, they are understanding what is going on in the story and that is incredible to me, especially that my 7yo had major comprehension issues, now he tested above average !!!

( can you see my excitement from this exclamation points?) I totally attribute that to HOD materials and guide. I am happy I stuck with it , even though for more than half of the guide they did not seem to get anything. I found some free Thornton audio books online and I let them listen while I was holding the book so they follow the words .They are both excellent readers and like to look at the words while reading aloud . This worked very well since I have an accent in English and I wanted them to get exposure to correct English. The speech therapist is also amazed how much he progressed from last year and she thinks it is her work

but she only worked with him for 1 hour/week. I know it is HOD and all that reading aloud& thinking questions . We also read many of the supplemental reading from LHFHG and Beyond emergent readers.
Now I am a little anxious to start Beyond because the books do look well above their heads. I think I will wait until the fall to start it .
I am amazed what LHFHG produced from my dc. And not only academics, but I feel their heart is closer to the Lord too. Even my boy in the spectrum , who is very concrete, black/white thinking , and used to say "I don't see God, therefore He doesn't exists." , now he believes in Him and knows a lot about God and His Word.
Thank you Carrie for your wonderful work !