Preparing to Build: English2 and Dyslexia

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Preparing to Build: English2 and Dyslexia

Post by Tracee » Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:53 pm

We are only half way through BLHFHG, but only a few exercises away from finishing Singapore 1B. I just ordered Bigger, and I can't wait to sit down and go through the guide and all the books. I went ahead and ordered everything except for the package with Preparing to Build, Math 3A/3B, Little Pillows and the Hymns for a Child's Heart CD.

I was hesitant to purchase that particular package, because I wasn't sure if Preparing to Build would be appropriate for my dyslexic guy. We are using a spelling/reading program for dyslexics, so we have our own spelling lists and readers, but out of curiosity, I looked at some sample pages from Preparing to Build, and it looks like great stuff to do with him. Even though he won't be able to read it by himself, I can read it to him and help him fill out the answers. Is anyone using Preparing to Build with a dyslexic child? If so, How is it going?

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Re: Preparing to Build: English2 and Dyslexia

Post by lmercon » Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:46 am

I'm too lazy to get off the couch to check, but is Preparing to Build the R&S English book? If so, yes, I did use it with my dyslexic ds. We did everything orally. He did very well. When it came to diagramming sentences, I used a marker and made blank sentence diagrams. Then, instead of writing the diagrammed sentences, he would just point to the blank and say the word that would belong there. It worked very well. Now, that I think about it, diagramming may not have been introduced until the next level after this one. This year, I shelved English. The Barton program got more intense and I just felt that it didn't make sense to continue with higher level grammar with a child who still couldn't even read the words! I'm hoping to slowly reintroduce grammar next year, but my main focus is to strengthen his reading abilities.
Wife to a great guy and mommy to:
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Re: Preparing to Build: English2 and Dyslexia

Post by Tracee » Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:29 am

Thank you Laura that helps a lot.

Yes, it is the R&S book, and I'm glad you were able to answer my question without getting off the couch :lol: . I think I will take your advice and do everything orally. Also, I can see what you mean about shelving it for awhile, so they can work on decoding and spelling. It seems pointless to teach them higher grammar when they are still struggling to read and spell.

Thanks for your help,
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Re: Preparing to Build: English2 and Dyslexia

Post by holdinon » Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:38 am

We also did R&S 2 completely orally with dyslexic ds. He is now doing R&S 3, and we do the vast majority of it orally also. When I do have him do the writing, I allow him to write directly in the book so he can focus on the skills rather than transferring the information (copying sentences or whatever) and having to think about the grammar at the same time. (I do have him do copywork, just not within grammar). This has worked well so far. He is about three quarters (maybe a little more) through level 3.

I don't mean to hijack this thread, but I am curious, as we are using Barton also. Laura, at what point did you decide to shelve the R&S English for a while? So far, ds is doing well and not struggling too much with the work load. We have just recently started Barton book 4. (I also should add, he's not severely dyslexic. His evaluator said he was "somewhere between what most would call mild and moderate, more mild than moderate, but slightly more that mild" (although he officially classified him as mild).

2013-2014 year:
Geography, CtC, Preparing, Bigger, Beyond, and Little Hearts (and surviving!)

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Re: Preparing to Build: English2 and Dyslexia

Post by lmercon » Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:48 pm

We have completed level 4. We should have been on level 5 for the last 6 weeks. I just haven't ordered it yet! :oops: Anyway, it wasn't so much that it got harder, which it does. It was more a time factor. My ds is severely dyslexic, so we do everything together. I read everything to him. Anything that he is supposed to write, he dictates to me and then copies my writing into his notebook. It's all very time consuming. I decided to shelve grammar because I think he's getting enough exposure to grammatical concepts in the Barton program, albeit not parts of speech, etc. I really didn't see the need to burden him with the more intense grammar when he wasn't even able to read independently. It seemed silly to me. I figured it would be a better use of time to spend that grammar time on the Barton program. I'll probably pick up R&S next year. The only reason I'd even do it then is because he'll face standardized testing at the end of next year as we are in PA.
Hope that helps explain my reasoning,

Also, I just saw that you are in Bigger. Now that we are in CTC, we are finding the workload to be much greater. In addition, his little sis was needing more time from me. Choices...choices!
Wife to a great guy and mommy to:
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Re: Preparing to Build: English2 and Dyslexia

Post by holdinon » Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:22 pm

Thanks for explaining! That makes total sense to me. I cannot imagine having ds in CtC---not with having all the other kiddos too! I would definitely be keeping it as streamlined as possible. I read everything to ds also, but that is not nearly as much, since he is still in Bigger. I have struggled SO much with choices that we have had to make for him, and trying to feel like my others back. My oldest is independent, but my next dd is really not yet, and she could be if I hadn't had to spend so much time with ds. It's hard on everyone, and trying to find the balance can be difficult! Thank goodness for God's grace and mercy! (And a supportive dh.....and this wonderful forum :wink: ) I do (finally) see a light at the end of the tunnel now though :lol: .

Ok, sorry (again :oops: ) Tracee, for hi-jacking your thread!
2013-2014 year:
Geography, CtC, Preparing, Bigger, Beyond, and Little Hearts (and surviving!)

(Completed LHTH, LHFHG, BLHFHG, BHFHG, Preparing, CtC, RtR, and RevtRev)

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Re: Preparing to Build: English2 and Dyslexia

Post by Tracee » Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:27 pm

Angie, I'm glad you hijacked the thread. It's comforting to see I'm not alone. :D I'm so thankful my other two are still young, because most of my time is devoted to ds also. We are just now seeing signs of dyslexia in our other two children. Dyslexia is prevalent in my family and my husbands. Our kids got the gene from both sides of our family. Last year my oldest was diagnosed with severe dyslexia, and it appears that my other two are moderately dyslexic.

Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone :wink:
DS 12
DD 10/DS 10

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