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Struggling with written narrations/medieval history writing

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 3:48 pm
by billswife
My son is 13 and is currently in RTR. He is really struggling with writing down his narrations. He can orally narrate well, but when it comes to writing them down it's not the same. He can usually come up with only 3-5 sentences. He doesn't capitalize or punctuate.There are a lot of incomplete sentences. He just isn't getting better at writing. With the Medieval History based writing he is really struggling to come up with a paragraph that makes sense. He is very creative, but he can't seem to translate that into writing. He absolutely hates doing these and it's very frustrating for him. When I try to help him, he gets very upset. Any suggestions for me to help him improve? He also really is struggling with Rod and Staff 5. It just does not stick in his head.

Re: Struggling with written narrations/medieval history writ

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:02 pm
by Molly
I wonder whether you talk to him about working alongside him when he is doing the writing. Tell him, it's not to correct him, but guide him in doing it correctly. Take it slow. Talk about what he is going to be writing down, discuss how it could sound better. I have found guiding them for awhile in a very direct way, helps them gain the skills needed to do it on their own. It is one of the things I love about home schooling as I know that one on one guidance just isn't there. With regard to R&S, is it that it is too difficult for him, does he need to drop back a level. I wouldn't hesitate to drop back if he needs it. I am counting on my children having had more grammar than the average public schooled child when they leave school even if they only get through to the end of R&S 6.

Just relax, take your time working with him, and pray. I find the last thing the most important thing to do. It always calms me, even when I'm at the point of wanting that brick wall to thump my head on. I will be praying that you find something that works for both of you.

And feel free to ignore my suggestion as I am not there yet with my sons, and I do know I will have many struggles similar with my oldest son and his language delays.

Re: Struggling with written narrations/medieval history writ

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:12 pm
by deltagal
billswife wrote:My son is 13 and is currently in RTR. He is really struggling with writing down his narrations. He can orally narrate well, but when it comes to writing them down it's not the same. He can usually come up with only 3-5 sentences. He doesn't capitalize or punctuate.There are a lot of incomplete sentences. He just isn't getting better at writing. With the Medieval History based writing he is really struggling to come up with a paragraph that makes sense. He is very creative, but he can't seem to translate that into writing. He absolutely hates doing these and it's very frustrating for him. When I try to help him, he gets very upset. Any suggestions for me to help him improve? He also really is struggling with Rod and Staff 5. It just does not stick in his head.
For starters - let me just double-check I know your son is doing RTR, but according to the placement chart does he actually place in RTR? Let us know.

In the meantime, I do have some thoughts. Use the Written Narration Skills list in the back of the RTR guide as your guide. Focus on one skill at a time, and just move him along each week. Also, make your son a copy of the written narration skills list and together decide where he is and then before he begins his written narration let him pull out his list and remind himself what he is working on today.

Regarding Rod and STaff 5 - has he used 4? If so, we have found Carrie's suggestion of making flash cards to be exceptional. At the end of each lesson I have my student copy the key point onto an index card. We keep them together on a ring and hang them on a thumbtack on the bulletin board. Before each grammar lesson, we just review the flash cards.