Beyond - Phillipians 4:8 memorization-KJV

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Beyond - Phillipians 4:8 memorization-KJV

Post by psreit » Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:34 am

We are in the middle of the unit in Beyond with this memory verse. I think it will be tough for dd to remember all the 'whatsoever things are .......' and in the right order within one week. I just wondered if anyone had any special method of learning that verse. We use the KJV. DD has been doing great with memorization, but I think this one will be difficult. I did make a list of just the words: true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report. But, I'm not sure that will help too much. Any ideas? :)
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Re: Beyond - Phillipians 4:8 memorization-KJV

Post by Robbi » Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:08 pm

Honestly, I would probably say switch versions. What about NKJV? In ESV it says, "whatever is true, whatever is honest, etc". One thing my DD likes is looking up the sign language for the words. There is a couple online sign language sites that are helpful. We often do this for making up hand signs, which really seem to help my DD.
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Re: Beyond - Phillipians 4:8 memorization-KJV

Post by countrymom » Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:39 pm

We just worked on the list the first few days, then added the whatevers in the last couple of days. We counted the total number and then divided them into two groups. I think I had my son memorize the first few and I helped him with the last few, then we worked on the last few and put it all together on the last day.
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Re: Beyond - Phillipians 4:8 memorization-KJV

Post by psreit » Tue Mar 06, 2012 3:55 pm

Thank you for the replies. We want memorization to be done in the King James. I was amazed at how well dd memorized unit 20 verse - "The hand of the diligent shall bear rule, but the slothful shall be under tribute." I didn't know if she would remember some of those words because they weren't familiar. But, she knew it perfectly by the end of the week. :D The problem is not what words are there, but learning the list and putting them in the right order to say the verse by memory. I like the idea of the sign language. DD is fascinated with that. We sometimes make up our own, but she would love the real stuff. I will look into it. That is a good idea to break them up into groups as well. :)
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Re: Beyond - Phillipians 4:8 memorization-KJV

Post by Heather4Him » Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:32 pm

Pam, that brings up a good question. Have you (or anyone) found a good resource for memorizing KJV Bible verses (like the music CDs for the NIV in some of the other guides)? I would LOVE this, but haven't found anything much yet.
Love in Christ,
Heather (WI)
16yog girl


Re: Beyond - Phillipians 4:8 memorization-KJV

Post by momtofive » Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:12 pm


I was just reading this and remembering our time in Beyond last year. I was doing it with a third grader and a first grader. Anyway, as they worked on memorizing the verses each week, I kept in mind that some verses are just a little harder to memorize and they may not always get it each week. This verse could be one of those verses! :wink:

I also prefer the KJV, as it's so beautifully written. I'd just work on it with her as I'm sure you do, making sure that she's getting the meaning of the verse above all, and then working on the wording. You could try making her a list on an index card like this:

"Finally, brethren,
whatsoever things are: true
of good report,

if there be any virtue,
and if there be any praise,
think on these things."

You can use this as a visual aid and remind her that she needs to say "whatsoever things are" before each of the words listed. This may or may not help her, and you might decide that this is just a verse that she'll learn a little better as she gets older. Sometimes kids just need the exposure to trying to memorize the verse, and later it comes a little easier when they're a bit older, as then it's more familiar. Of course, this is just a suggestion, you should feel free to do whatever you think is best, as you know your sweet little student better than any of us! :wink:

ETA: I tried to edit my list of words within the verse, but it didn't come out as I typed it. If you do this on an index card I'd space the words so they're all in a list right under the word true. A minor thing, but it may help in seeing where the whatsoever's fit in! :D

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Re: Beyond - Phillipians 4:8 memorization-KJV

Post by psreit » Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:43 pm

Heather - I see your daughter is older, but there are KJV Bible Songs for Kids from Bible Truth Music. There are kids singing those. Also, I found some cds by Patty Vaillant. She does KJV Scripture songs to folk type music. I haven't purchased any yet, but I plan to. You can get them from Amazon. There may not be many songs lining up with the memory verses in HOD, but we can never memorize too much Scripture. :)

Lisa - Yes, there have been a couple of verses that dd didn't know as well by the end of the week. I thought I would just keep working at it the best we could and go on. Angie usually surprises me on the last day and can say it better than I thought she knew it. I did make a list and put it along side the whole verse I have on the refrigerator. I think your idea would be good so there aren't so many words to look at. :)
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Re: Beyond - Phillipians 4:8 memorization-KJV

Post by daybreaking » Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:17 am

I remember memorizing this as part of a girl's club I was in at my church. For some reason, it helped me to think 4-letter word, long word, 4-letter word, 4-letter word and then the other two. Sounds silly, I know, but it worked for me. I could always remember the first true and then I knew honest was the longer one. j comes before p, so I knew just came before pure. Once I got that far, I could remember the lovely and good report parts. HTH! :)

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Re: Beyond - Phillipians 4:8 memorization-KJV

Post by MelInKansas » Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:09 pm

Music or rhythm works for us. I too thought that one would be way too hard, at a homeschool conference I attended last year there was a seminar with a lady who basically helped her children memorize rules and things by creating a little rhythm or almost song to it. Not even anything really creative, but that helps with the repetition and memory.

We used the music CD that comes with Beyond but of course that won't correspond with KJV.
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Re: Beyond - Phillipians 4:8 memorization-KJV

Post by Heather4Him » Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:08 pm

Thanks for the suggestions, Pam! I will have to look into those. :)
Love in Christ,
Heather (WI)
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Re: Beyond - Phillipians 4:8 memorization-KJV

Post by VAmomto4 » Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:08 pm

Kelly at Generation Cedar has a cd (used in Preparing) with that passage (KJV) set to music. I'm not sure that helps you right now, though. :D
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Re: Beyond - Phillipians 4:8 memorization-KJV

Post by psreit » Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:40 pm

VAmomto4 - I had actually come across that cd in my search for KJV songs. I didn't realize it was used in Preparing. That's great! I will just wait to get it then. :D

Thanks for all the memorizing helps. I don't think dd will know this one totally by heart, but she will understand what it means. :D
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. III John 4
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Re: Beyond - Phillipians 4:8 memorization-KJV

Post by Dustybug » Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:48 pm

I don't really have any advice, but wanted to thank you for posting this thread! We are KJV only as well and sometimes my DD stumbles over some of the more difficult words. The suggestions here so far are being filed away for me! :)
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