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? about LHTH

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 5:43 pm
by aspenskies
I have been looking at LHTH and wondering about getting the program for my daycare children. We usually only have a couple infants (under 12 months) and the rest are usually around 12 months to five. There are times that we have a school age child. What are your thoughts? It looks like it would work well with a small group. I would either get the 2/3 package or 3/4 package or a mix.

Re: ? about LHTH

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:12 pm
by Heidi in AK
Jean, we use this for our chapel group. We also have about 5-8 children under 5. It works well, as we only average 2-4 on a particular week.

We had to decide how fast to go. If you do a unit over two weeks, you have a curriculum for over a year. We usually do day 1 and day 4, adding in the devotional and doing the song once a time. The nice thing is, some moms have used the curriculum teaching their darlings during chapel and decided to do it on their own too! :)

Re: ? about LHTH

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:10 pm
by my3sons
We used LHTH with dc around ages 2-4 in our church during a women's Bible study. I took a turn teaching it (the other weeks I led the Bible study), and it was really fun. I liked to alternate the get-up-and-move things with the sit-down things. We did the Fingerplay multiple times, as well as played the Corresponding Music often. We marched around the room to the music too. They loved the Bible stories and the neat Bible activities. It was not hard to gather multiple supplies, nor did it cost much. If you need 1 cotton ball, you might as well use 5 with 5 dc - etc. The parents and dc liked it so much. The moms would tell me their dc were saying the Fingerplays at home and humming the music. They liked making their color and number books too and taking them home. I think you'd enjoy it! :D

In Christ,

Re: ? about LHTH

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:11 pm
by my3sons
Heidi in AK wrote:Jean, we use this for our chapel group. We also have about 5-8 children under 5. It works well, as we only average 2-4 on a particular week.

We had to decide how fast to go. If you do a unit over two weeks, you have a curriculum for over a year. We usually do day 1 and day 4, adding in the devotional and doing the song once a time. The nice thing is, some moms have used the curriculum teaching their darlings during chapel and decided to do it on their own too! :)
Heidi - I was hoping this was going well! HOORAY! How neat you are helping "hide God's Word" in so many other little hearts - God bless! :D
In Christ,

Re: ? about LHTH

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:34 pm
by aspenskies
Thank you so much, Heidi and Julie! I just bought my son's program, so I will have to wait a couple/few months to order, but I feel the DC will love it.