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2nd grade questions

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:20 pm
by lovemythree
Okay, a couple of questions here concerning ds7. We are currently doing Beyond with him and his younger brother and it is going great. However, we are not doing any formal grammar with him (the 2nd grade ds) besides what is in the Beyond guide, and I'm wondering if I need to be. We began the year with Primary Language Lessons, but ended up setting it aside as I felt he wasn't really retaining much from it. We are also still working on reading/phonics with him, so it just seemed a bit overkill to add grammar along with everything else we were doing. I'm doubting my decision now and fear I'm holding him back. I'm considering purchasing R&S 2 and using it now rather than wait until next school year. Do you think it is necessary, or should I just wait?

Another question, on a complete different subject... :? Math. We are nearing the end of Singapore 2A. This is our first year with Singapore and he's done okay with it, but not great. We used Horizons last year and he like it okay, but I'd heard so many negative reviews about it, I decided to switch. I love the ideas of SM, but I'm finding out that I do not love teaching it. To the point that I just switched dd11 over to MUS b/c we were having such a hard time in 4A. Anyway... back to ds7. He is having a horrible time with mult by 3's. He literally cries and said today that it just doesn't make sense. He did better on the 2's, but the 3's are stressing him out. Also, he regularly counts on his fingers for all math problems, so obviously the mental math is not there for him. We drill regularly, but can't shake him of the finger counting. And the long addition and subtraction is the same...definitlely using fingers and not mental calculations. I guess what it boils down to is, should I stick it out with Singapore even though he doesn't like it and I don't care for it and I do not imagine that we will continue to use it past 3b or so? Or should we go ahead and switch? And honestly I'm not even sure what we'd switch to... I just know that I don't want to do to him and his brother what we've done with dd which is switch around with 3 different programs in less than 2 years. :oops:

Sorry this is so long and thanks if you took the time to read it all! :) I'm just seriously doubting myself for some reason these days! :roll:

Re: 2nd grade questions

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 8:41 pm
by my3sons
HI there! I'm glad you are enjoying Beyond! We thought the gentle grammar introduction in Beyond was a great way to ease into grammar before doing R & S English. I'd enjoy it and finish it out. You can do R & S English 2 with Bigger Hearts next year. It's advanced - I'd wait. :D As far as Singapore, we needed the hands-on activities HOD planned to go with it to get the facts to stick. I'd get the Bigger Hearts manual and start back fresh with 2A and do all the hands-on activities that are planned to go with 2A/2B. When you get to Bigger Hearts, you can use its Appendix for 3A/3B then, as there are no hands-on activities at that point. Those are just my thoughts though - you will know best. I hope something here can help! :D

In Christ,

Re: 2nd grade questions

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 7:41 pm
by Carrie

You've already received such good advice! :D At HOD, we recommend beginning Rod and Staff English 2 when your child is in the third grade. We typically use Rod and Staff one year behind the child's grade level due to the rigor of Rod and Staff. It is truly a wonderful English program, but it can get to be too much if you get to the upper levels too soon. :D At HOD, we plan for student to complete English 6 by the end of grade 8 and to do English 7 and 8 throughout high school. :D When Rod and Staff is combined with all of the additional writing, literature study, and CM-style langauge arts skills in our guides; this plan provides a well-balanced language arts program. :D

As far as math goes, it will make a huge difference if you use the plans in the HOD guide to help you as you teach through the early years of Singapore math. If your child is struggling, I would definitely be sure to have the Bigger guide to do the hands-on math lessons. I think it is a great idea to back your child up to the beginning of 2A and begin again, following the plans in the Bigger Hearts guide. :D

As far as drilling the facts go, I would set that aside for right now. Singapore actually teaches kiddos to internalize the facts without drill as you progress through the years. Drilling can really make a child feel stressed. We plan for kiddos to be using manipulatives for their math lessons at least through 2B. It is a needed component. :D So, allow your little honey to use his fingers or any other manipulative that helps him get the answer. :D Mental math is only introduced in 2A/2B, meaning it is not intended to be mastered at this level. It takes years to get the mental math portion down and is a gradual progression. :D

If your child is sincerely struggling with understanding multiplication be sure to let him count the pictures provided right within the workbook. You could also consider adding the Skip Count Kids CD (Bible version) to help him learn to skip count. This is not something that is a part of the Singapore program, but it is something we have used with success with three of our kiddos. :wink: Just have your child sing only the skip count song needed for the multiplication facts he's working with for that day. So, you could have him listen to the Skip Count Song for the 2's and 3's only right now. Have him follow along with the words. This will help, without drilling. :D

We did too much switching with my oldest son in math, and I would recommend trying to avoid that as much as possible. I realize Singapore math may not be the fit for every child, but I would highly recommend giving it every opportunity to succeed before jumping ship too early. :D
