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Update: 1st day combing 3 dc in Beyond

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:44 pm
by Sue G in PA
First, I wanted to thank everyone for the suggestions and advice re: my "epic fail" running multiple guides. I decided, after much prayer, that I just needed to do as Carrie suggested and put my ds10 in Beyond but have him continue doing math and LA at his own level. My biggest concern as Beyond not being "enough" for him. As is, it really isn't "enough" for a 5th grader IMHO. So, I spent some time on the internet over the weekend looking for ways to "beef up" the material (i.e. worksheets, extra reading, more research, etc.) in History and Science. I didn't want to use the Science in Bigger b/c I just wanted to keep everything really simple for me. I decided, instead, to just use the Usborne Science Encyclopedias that I have and have ds10 do some extra reading on each topic presented in Beyond. For example, today's science reading was about Energy. I found the topic in my First Enc. of Science book and read it to ds10. Since it also talked about the 2 different kinds of energy (kinetic and potential), I searched for some free worksheets online (and found a great one!) for him to complete. I also found a cute "game" online as well! :D I had him, and ds9, do the worksheets and the game. Dd6, my little over-acheiver, wanted to play, too, and she also took the index cards I wrote with the cloth-making steps and re-copied them onto her own cards and drew pictures to go with each step. :shock: It was a great science day! :D For history, I gathered together some books I already had on the Pilgrims, found a lapbook on sale at CurrClick and printed some maps and free notebook pages for ds10 to do to accompany each History reading. I'm excited. It didn't take a lot of time to do this (maybe an hour) and I really love having them all together! :D So, thanks again for the "permission" to combine. So far, so good!

Re: Update: 1st day combing 3 dc in Beyond

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:46 pm
by Homeschooling6
Yay!!! I'm thankful with the help of the others you found something that will work :)

Re: Update: 1st day combing 3 dc in Beyond

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:36 pm
by John'smom
Rejoicing with you!!! I didn't post on your other thread as I had not advice, but I did pray for you a lot. :D

Re: Update: 1st day combing 3 dc in Beyond

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:53 pm
by Carrie

I was up late tonight pondering your post and thought I'd pop-in before heading off to bed. I'm glad that you updated us on your situation. :D My advice to combine your older son with your two youngers for the history part of Beyond still stands. I think that it is a move worth pondering in light of what you shared about your busy family situation and your overwhelmed feeling you have when running multiple guides. :D

I do feel the need, however, to just clarify a few things. :wink: I agree that it will work fine for your older child to combine with the youngers for the history portion of the Beyond guide and also for the Storytime part of the guide. However, you are right that the science is not enough for your older child in Beyond. In my thread before, this is why I had recommended keeping your older child going with the science, dictation, cursive, and upper level grammar from the Bigger Hearts guide. I know you were thinking to just wait on the science and do all three kiddos together in science next year when they get to Bigger. However, in order to keep your older child with your youngers through the years, you will need to use the science from a guide ahead every year. So, next year when your kiddos head as a group into Bigger, your older child will need to be doing the science from Preparing. :D This fact will be true every year, as he will be beyond the target range for the science for each guide. History can be a bit more flexible in its age range, but science is not. :wink:

Another thing that I think is important to note is that I also advised a switch in the history, by downsizing your older child, in the hopes that it would provide you time to add in DITHR for him which I think is really needed at his age. Having the 3R's and science be on grade level for this child will be necessary in order for him to be getting what he needs. :D

Last, I suggested a downsize in order to give you more time within your day to teach your varying aged kiddos. However, if you end up with more planning to figure out how to raise the level of Beyond by adding in additional resources each day for your older child, then truly you would be better off just teaching Bigger to your child as written without all of the add-ons and additional planning to raise up a guide you feel is too young. :D I agree that your son is outside the target age range in Beyond, but history and storytime can often stretch to a bit larger age range. The other skills cannot.

In order for this to work in the long haul, my thoughts are that you would need to have your older child join the youngers for the history read-aloud, the poetry, the Bible study box and music, the storytime, and possibly some of the hands-on activities (like the timeline). The rest of your older child's day would still come from Bigger Hearts (doing the dictation, science, upper level of grammar, DITHR, and cursive, along with a higher level of math). Without these additions from Bigger, the plan to combine the younger three will not work to prepare your older child for what is needed. :D

I do want the combining plan to work, but I don't want you to have to being searching, sifting, sorting, and planning to extend Beyond. Otherwise, truly your time would be better spent just keeping your son in Bigger. You'll know best what suits your family, but I couldn't go to sleep tonight without clarifying to both you and anyone else reading this thread what my intention was with my suggestion in this unique situation to place a 10 year old in just a few parts of Beyond. :D


Re: Update: 1st day combing 3 dc in Beyond

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:56 pm
by Sue G in PA
Thanks for that clarification, Carrie! The pre-planning isn't really time-consuming. It was the daily teaching and stretching of my time that wasn't working. Does that make sense? I can spend an hour on a Sunday night finding additional materials and reading material for ds10 to go along with the Science topics presented in Beyond as well as additional reading or resources for History. That really isn't a problem. I actually enjoy the pre-planning. :D I know that probably sounds CRAZY to most as the beauty of HOD lies in the "open and go"-ness of the Guide and the incredibly well-thought out and planned lessons. And if I could use HOD as is and run 3 Guides w/out stretching myself too thin, I would. My ds10 is my "challenge" kid if you remember. The science in Bigger was a "stretch" for him this year...with the exception of the reading-only days and oral narrations. He is already using the Dictation passages from the Preparing Guide (level 4 or 5 I think) and using R&S3 (almost finished). His math is on level (Singapore) as well. I have not used DITHoR with him yet but that is something to consider as well. I just don't know. Well, I am going to think about this some more. I hadn't really considered I would have to be using the Science from the "next" guide every year from now on. :? But that makes sense. I figured since he would be on the high end of the extention level for Bigger next year, he wouldn't have to do Preparing Science. And, in Preparing at age 12, he would still be w/in the extention age as well. He is actually following the same progression as my ds13 who did Preparing at age 12. The only difference is we won't be skipping CtC for ds10. :) Well, thanks again for the clarification. I'm back to the drawing board!