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Cincinnati Homeschool Convention

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 9:42 pm
by netpea
I see that you're going to be in Indianapolis in March. The Cincinnati convention is March 27 - 29. Just thought you might be interested in going there after Indianapolis.

Lansing convention in May

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:17 pm
by netpea
Also if you are interested, the Lansing, MI convention is in May.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 11:50 am
by Carrie

You are so sweet to check and see where we will be exhibiting, however those are still our 2007 convention dates. We haven't updated yet for 2008. It looks like we actually won't be in Indianapolis in 2008, due to it being the same weekend as MACHE, which is much closer to home for us.

Since our boys are still fairly young (from age 12 down to 18 months), our family has chosen to do only a few conventions each year, in order to be true to our first calling which is homeschooling our sons. We feel our second calling is to write Christ-centered curriculum guides, and in order to have time left to do that, we need to keep our traveling down.

This, of course, leaves us less time to promote our products, but the Lord has always provided us with wonderful moms like all of you, who pass along what you've discovered to others. This is the way our business is built, with one mom talking to another.

We love the personal aspect of the business and thank the Lord every day for the opportunity to minister to others in some small way. The time will come someday to attend more conventions and do more promoting, but for this "season" of our life we know we need to be home to homeschool.


Heart of Dakota

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:06 pm
by netpea
Ok, I confess, I had ulterior motives...


I live an hour from Lansing and my parents still live near Cincinnati so I was kinda hoping to see you guys at a convention near me! I love to touch and feel and look through stuff before I buy. Never knew that about myself until my hubby asked me why I won't shop on the internet for clothes and household stuff.

Not mention that I thought it would be lovely to actually meet you and your family. Maybe another year! :D

Thanks for all your work.