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Schedule for Bigger Hearts...

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:14 pm
by my3sons
Does anyone have any tips about what order would be good to do the boxes of plans in Bigger Hearts...? I'm just setting up my day, and thinking through this.


Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 7:03 am
by inHistiming
We always did Language Arts followed by Math. My reason for this was that I thought these were the most important academically and what the state would want to know was being done should they check. We would then do our Bible, Read Aloud, Art, Science, etc. You can really do it in any order. I always checked it off as we went and wrote the date on the page so I would know exactly when I had done what. The great thing about this curriculum is its flexibility! Enjoy your year.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 8:29 pm
by my3sons
Thanks for your suggestion! I think that makes sense, and you're so right... the flexibility of this is so great! I'm into my second week of Bigger..., and we are enjoying it already. Hope you're having a good homeschool year too!

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:25 pm
by Tansy
Were kinda scatterbrained about the order. I often ask my dd what she wants to do first, then I get to pick then she does and so on and so on.

We don't always do all of it..If we are out support raisin for 3 weeks. We just to basics. history, science, math, reading. Read aloud, is in car driving. Poor kid some times she has to sit though 5 services in one day so we give her a break on memory verses and bible study.


Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 12:24 pm
by Anna
We always do math and language arts first so that our minds are fresh and bodies are ready to sit -- and because it is my daughter's least favorite! When I do the read-aloud and history time I let them play with blocks/legos while I read as long as they can answer the questions at the end of the time. The rest of the boxes are more of a random insert into the day.

Mess around with the schedule and see what works for your family!

Schedule for Bigger Hearts...Little Hearts...and Drawn...

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 7:53 am
by my3sons
Hi Everyone!

I got asked a very good question by Tabby about how to balance using Little Hearts... and Bigger Hearts... and Drawn into the Heart... I thought I'd paste my answer here too, since it was also a question I originallly had posted as well. Balancing the day is always a great topic to talk about... I've gotten so much help from moms who have been willing to share what they are doing - not that I necessarily do exactly what they are doing - but more that I take bits and pieces of it and make it work for our situation. Below you'll see my current schedule (minus the personal stuff not pertaining to the curriculum)... it could certainly change as our baby grows, and our 4 1/2 year matures more. But, for now, we've had a month of school, and the schedule is working great! Praise the Lord! O.k., here goes...

First of all, I am only doing one side of the plans each day for Little Hearts... - so it'll take me 2 years to go through it. My son is 4 1/2, and that's about the best pace for him. That being said, timewise, I could easily have done both sides of the plans each day (and I may do this eventually this year) if I want to go that route.

Below, I'll try to just list out what I'm doing with whom, when, etc. I have my schedule in 15-30 minute increments, which seems to work best for me since I have a 6 month old baby.

BIGGER... child is listed first and LITTLE HEARTS...child is listed second each time:

computer------either History box OR Storytime box

computer------either bottom left box OR Math box

History box----independent activities (puzzles, games, coloring, Lakeshore activities, etc.)

Left plans, bottom left box-------continuing with independent activities

Bible study box and Poetry box-------book on tape

Storytime read-aloud box (they both eat their snacks and have a juice box while they both listen to me read the BIGGER... Storytime selection on the couch - happy reading time - I also join in on the snack between reading!)

Corresponding Hymns box with both

Cheerful Cursive box and Copywork of poem box independently------Rhymes/Bible/Music boxes OR Fine Motor skills/Phonics boxes

Dictation and Grammar box-----Phonics video or character trait video

Drawn Into the Heart of Reading box------Computer

Science box--------Play or exercise time

Math box----------Play or exercise time

NOTE: I have some other personal things throughout the day scheduled in, such as piano, nature journal, independent Bible reading, playtime with baby, playtime with each other with learning games, etc. Those are all things that are done more together, so if you are wanting to do anything like that, you'd certainly have time to do so. Also, you could easily do all of Little Hearts... (and I probably will do that as well once my little guy is more ready). We start school at 9:00 AM and end by 2:00 PM, with personal things added in as well, so I think doing all 3 programs is very doable! Maybe others could share what they are doing too!

Love in Christ,

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:55 pm
by amysconfections
Thanks for your schedule. That helps because I worry about what to do when I school two kids. With one, the younger joins in.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:26 pm
by my3sons
Glad it helped, Amy! I see you are blessed with 2 sons - keeps you running, doesn't it?!? Gotta love those precious boys!