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What grade do you consider your 12 year old?

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:13 pm
by Allison TX
Especially if they have a late summer or early fall bithday. Both my olders have late summer/fall birthdays so I'm just curious. Thanks! :)


Re: What grade do you consider your 12 year old?

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:55 pm
by SMiles

My ds is an early September birthday and when he was 12 (last year), he was 6th grade. The year he was 5 all the boys in the K class at the local school were 6, a full year older. Plus my husband is an early September birthday and his mom was here and I asked her what she had done. She said waited because then he could be the older one in the class with more maturity.


Re: What grade do you consider your 12 year old?

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:28 pm
by Tree House Academy
My ds turned 12 on August 5 and he is in 7th grade.

Re: What grade do you consider your 12 year old?

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:34 pm
by sharonb
My ds has an August birthday, and he'll be in 7th grade when he's 12. (8 in 3rd, 9 in 4th, 10 in 5th, 11 in 6th, 12 in 7th). I have a September birthday, and I turned 12 just after 7th grade started.

I think it's becoming more and more common for parents to hold their dc back a year when they have a late summer/early fall birthday so they aren't the youngest in the class. Since we are homeschooling and my ds was ready to start Kindergarten right at age 5 (actually a couple of months before his birthday since we school year-round), I didn't worry about it. He made the state's cutoff, so I wasn't going to hold him back.

Most of my other dc have late birthdays, so they will start 7th grade as 12 year olds, then turn 13 during the school year. So, those children will be 12 for much of 6th grade.

Re: What grade do you consider your 12 year old?

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:44 pm
by Mom2Monkeys
My June birthday kid is 10 and in 5th, but I call her 4th on legal forms. I don't want her graduating high school at 17 like me. So she will be in 7th when 12 and won't turn 13 until the summer after. But I will call her 6th. ;)

Re: What grade do you consider your 12 year old?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:56 am
by annaz
My June b-day girl is 11 and is in 5th. She'd either be really old or really young and I didn't want her on the young side. Not only that, she wasn't particularily ready as a first born.

So, she'll be in 6th then.

Re: What grade do you consider your 12 year old?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:02 pm
by Heart_Mom
I'll call my son a 6th grader when he is 12. He has a late summer birthday, btw.

Re: What grade do you consider your 12 year old?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:23 pm
by netpea
My son has a June birthday and is 11, he is a 6th grader.

Re: What grade do you consider your 12 year old?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:20 pm
by Molly
Sorry, I'm threadjacking here a little. If your children were born in April 2001, July 2003 and October 2005, what grades would they be in? I am guessing Grade 5, Grade 3 and Grade 1. If I am wrong could you please correct me.

Re: What grade do you consider your 12 year old?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:37 pm
by sharonb
Molly wrote:Sorry, I'm threadjacking here a little. If your children were born in April 2001, July 2003 and October 2005, what grades would they be in? I am guessing Grade 5, Grade 3 and Grade 1. If I am wrong could you please correct me.
The October 2005 child would be in Kindergarten in my state, because the cutoff is Sept 1st. You got the other two right though.

Re: What grade do you consider your 12 year old?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:49 pm
by Molly
Thanks for that Sharon.

Re: What grade do you consider your 12 year old?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:24 pm
by Mercy
Not that my situation means son's bday is dec 20th (almost here!!) and he is in
6th now. It just makes me laugh though- when anyone asks my children what grade they are in they stutter and stumble to try to remember. They usually look at me and I have to explain that since we homeschool it can be hard to remember. Sure doesnt look good on homeschooling! Lol!! It seems like thats the question asked the most to my children when we meet new people too... :cry: oh welll......we might have to practice answering that question a little more confidently. Lol!

Re: What grade do you consider your 12 year old?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:58 pm
by Allison TX
Thank you for all the replies. :) My boys have July and September birthdays, and they are 14 months apart in age. They always seem to be on the "old" side for their grade. I feel better now that I see some of you have kids on the older side too. Thanks!


Re: What grade do you consider your 12 year old?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:51 pm
by tnahid
I guess I have somewhat of the opposite. My son is 10 (will be 11 in Feb.) and is doing 4th grade LA/Math/DITHOR and Bigger with Extensions. So when he is in 6th grade, he will be 12. His younger brother is 8 and in 3rd, so technically even though my oldest is 2 and a half years older, academically and maturity-wise, he is only ahead by one year. My younger son started K when he was 6 too, but last year, he basically skipped first grade entirely and went straight to second. Now third, but really he could do 4th now as well.

Sooooo, I have one AHEAD and one so-called "BEHIND." Is this bad? Does anyone else have this issue? My older is just slower in math and comprehension, also much more obstinate and stubborn toward anything "academic" but is doing SO much better than he was. I really think I could bump him up to 5th pretty easily, but don't feel that would be best at this point. Even though he could do it, he would have a FIT!

Any thoughts?

Re: What grade do you consider your 12 year old?

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:56 am
by Heart_Mom
tnahid wrote:I guess I have somewhat of the opposite. My son is 10 (will be 11 in Feb.) and is doing 4th grade LA/Math/DITHOR and Bigger with Extensions. So when he is in 6th grade, he will be 12. His younger brother is 8 and in 3rd, so technically even though my oldest is 2 and a half years older, academically and maturity-wise, he is only ahead by one year. My younger son started K when he was 6 too, but last year, he basically skipped first grade entirely and went straight to second. Now third, but really he could do 4th now as well.

Sooooo, I have one AHEAD and one so-called "BEHIND." Is this bad? Does anyone else have this issue? My older is just slower in math and comprehension, also much more obstinate and stubborn toward anything "academic" but is doing SO much better than he was. I really think I could bump him up to 5th pretty easily, but don't feel that would be best at this point. Even though he could do it, he would have a FIT!

Any thoughts?
Hi, Tina!

Your 10 year old sounds similar to mine, except that mine has big struggles with Math and is not up to grade level in that area yet. He has made improvements in leaps and bounds in the past two years! My next oldest daughter is in 2nd grade, but honestly could do much of the work her older brother does. So, yes, I have one who is "behind" and another who is "ahead" too!

I always call my children whatever grade level they would be in public school, regardless of what level they are in for particular subjects. For instance, my 10 year old could be considered "ahead" of grade levels in some areas, and "behind" in other areas, but when someone asks him what grade he is in, he says "4th". I think that when people ask children what grade they are in, they are generally just making conversation; it's basically the same as when they ask how old a child is. I don't think they are really asking for information about what level they are working on in different subjects.

I hope that's helpful! :D