UPDATE: Major Health Issues

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UPDATE: Major Health Issues

Post by Mom2Monkeys » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:28 pm

Here's my original post here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10770

And here's my latest update I just posted for friends and family on facebook:

So, I just got the results of yesterday's blood tests. My thyroid was low and my lupus/rheumatoid/connective tissue disorder test was elevated. This means I might have both hypothyroidism AND Lupus or another connective tissue disorder...both of which can cause the Dysautonomia/POTS (my heart issues). They are running more tests with the extra blood they still have and I get my VQ Scan (checking for clots from the high lung pressure) first thing in the morning. I should know more hopefully tomorrow.
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Re: UPDATE: Major Health Issues

Post by katharos » Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:19 pm

Oh, wow. My family will be praying for you.
<3 Kari

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Re: UPDATE: Major Health Issues

Post by water2wine » Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:39 pm

I am sorry. Praying for you and your family.
All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
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Re: UPDATE: Major Health Issues

Post by runnermama » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:16 pm

I've been praying for you. Hopefully the doctors are on the right track this time and you can start some type of treatment and get on with life!

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Re: UPDATE: Major Health Issues

Post by John'smom » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:40 pm

I have been praying for you since your first post. (((HUGS)))
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Re: UPDATE: Major Health Issues

Post by Kathleen » Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:35 pm

Praying for you right now Tamara.

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Re: UPDATE: Major Health Issues

Post by my3sons » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:27 pm

Oh, I am praying for you, Tamara! I have hypo thyroid concerns as well. Synthroid, Vitamin D, a good multi-vitamin, and exercise (when I sum up the energy :wink: ) have been helping me these past several years, but I imagine your situation is more involved, as you have other complications to consider as well. I am praying for you - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

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Re: UPDATE: Major Health Issues

Post by Heather4Him » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:32 pm

Thanks for the update, Tamara. You are in my prayers.
Love in Christ,
Heather (WI)
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Re: UPDATE: Major Health Issues

Post by Mom2Monkeys » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:39 pm

Ok, so with the additional testing. I have hyperthyroidism and an autoimmune disease. It is likely NOT lupus which is what they suspected. The hyperthyroid could be caused by the autoimmune disease and it could be Graves Disease. That's an autoimmune thyroid issue instead of a pituitary linked thyroid condition.

The tilt table test has been postponed to confirm POTS bc it would likely be positive until I get my thyroid on track...and the symptoms may be mimicking POTS just from tue other conditions.

I have instead, an ultrasound of my thyroid to search for enlargement, nodules, tumors, etc and any other clues as to the cause. I had my VQ scan today checking lung function and ruling out clots there. Not sure of results yet.

Yes, it is all very confusing. I'm becoming very tired, yet my insomnia is worse than ever (part of the package). And I am really sore all over. That's the inflammation I suppose, also part of the package!

Grandma took my two little ones tonight until Saturday morning. So I'm going to be catching up on sleep! Yay!
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Re: UPDATE: Major Health Issues

Post by Mom2Monkeys » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:13 pm

My symptoms continue to worsen but the doc wanted to wait until after my ultrasound for meds, which isn't until Tuesday and results not until Thursday. I called today b/c I'm a mess and hurting and so very tired. Memory/brain fog worse. I'm having more nerve involvement and muscles/joints. DH rubbed my back this morning and the pain from his soft touch actually brought me to tears from the burning and stabbing of the nerves. So, the doctor decided to go ahead and add an anti-thyroid med to my list of meds to take. I'll be taking PTU, 3x/day. And I'm praying it helps quickly. It's a very serious medicine to be on and there's another to start soon that's also quite a big deal. I get my little two back in the AM, have christmas play practice for 3 hours tomorrow, Christmas play and my DS7's 8th bday Sunday...busy times and I'm so behind! haven't bought a single gift or put up a decoration. I'm so not in the spirit!
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Re: UPDATE: Major Health Issues

Post by ninipelley » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:56 pm

My heart goes out to you! I know what a daily stretch it is having 4 children (and yours are so little) AND homeschooling AND running a household. I Pray you have family near or a support system to help you through this. Try to not be so hard on yourself. You really do have to take care of yourself. All this and keeping up with a blog too?
Now, your husband is an ICU/ER nurse- correct? How is this sitting with him? It sounds like you have a good cardio doc (I am-was-I guess-since I stay home now) an ICU RN as well. Has the cardio doc recommended a specialist for you? To find out the source of autoimmune disorder? That sounds of upmost importance to me!
I pray for rest for you & not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. I'm sure you are worried and I pray the GOOD Lord sustains you in the thought that fear is not of Him, but of satan.
"Cast all your fears & anxietys on HIM'
Keep us posted dear.
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Re: UPDATE: Major Health Issues

Post by 3sweeties » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:59 am

Praying for you, Tamara, and lifting you up to our Father!!!
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Re: UPDATE: Major Health Issues

Post by Mom2Monkeys » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:13 pm

ninipelley wrote:My heart goes out to you! I know what a daily stretch it is having 4 children (and yours are so little) AND homeschooling AND running a household. I Pray you have family near or a support system to help you through this. Try to not be so hard on yourself. You really do have to take care of yourself. All this and keeping up with a blog too?
Now, your husband is an ICU/ER nurse- correct? How is this sitting with him? It sounds like you have a good cardio doc (I am-was-I guess-since I stay home now) an ICU RN as well. Has the cardio doc recommended a specialist for you? To find out the source of autoimmune disorder? That sounds of upmost importance to me!
I pray for rest for you & not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. I'm sure you are worried and I pray the GOOD Lord sustains you in the thought that fear is not of Him, but of satan.
"Cast all your fears & anxietys on HIM'
Keep us posted dear.
I wouldn't say I'm keeping a blog if by keeping you mean I actually post on it!...I'm posting giveaways and that's about it! (Not that that isn't crazy busy work, but I committed to it before I got sick, and I already had the products from the publishers in hand).

DH is an ICU RN, yes. And he's been researching much and kinda leading where it goes here and there, telling me what to ask about, suggesting meds, etc. My general doc, cardiologist, and cardiovascular doc have all been great! I won't have an official diagnosis yet but will soon after my thyroid u/s I hope. Perhaps then, the gen doc will send me to a specialist. As for finding the root of the autoimmune, perhaps you know what I'm talking about with what I write next...lol...
ANA Titer was 1:320 (should be less than 1:40) and the pattern was speckled. It's suggestive of Lupus, but the sed rate was well within normal range...9 and the range is 0-20. So, that's pretty much taking Lupus off the table but leaves definite autoimmune. The idea is that it's AI and it's an AI disease that comes with hyperthyroid which in turn is causing my mental, neurological, cardiac, etc. symptoms...so, most likely Graves. I guess I'm happy about it being that, b/c if it was POTS (which I still have symptoms of but also relates to graves) then the medicines I'm taking are almost all there is I can do, and they aren't helping. That was feeling pretty hopeless! Now, at least it appears to be a light at the end of the tunnel. The ultrasound should show them if my thyoid is enlarged which would confirm graves. Will also find any other causes such as cancer,etc.
Oh, as for nearby family/support...nada. DH's parents are over an hour away but help when they can. It's usually planned help..not like I can call on a bad day and say I need help now...it's a long enough drive it's usually a few nights at a time. Which is nice, but I'd love to be closer and not out in the middle of nowhere so I could just get some time for a shower or a couple hours for a nap without all the hoopla of planning and packing.
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Re: UPDATE: Major Health Issues

Post by Mom2Monkeys » Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:29 pm

Just a quick update and request for your continued prayers! Doctor says it is autoimmune hypERthyroid (Graves Disease) along with the joys of autoimmune disease...PLUS I have Lupus...he said he will pinpoint for certain which additional autoimmune disease it is after we get my thyroid leveled out, but it's most likely Lupus. He said other things it could be are Raynaud's, MS, and some others I can't pronounce. LOL

I'm now taking meds 4 times per day, from anti-thyroid pills to heart meds to sleep meds since the thyroid levels are causing severe insomnia to supplements and more. The anti-thyroid med is starting to help some with the heart issues but still have pains (muscles and joints as well as nerves) and the insomnia is driving me nuts. The sleep med isn't working at all (other than after a few hours of taking I was posting crazy stuff on my facebook wall and didn't remember it! :shock: :lol: )

Please continue to pray...my husband has slowly become more understanding and tolerant of my sedentary lifestyle for the time being. It's so refreshing to know I'm not lazy and it's not in my head. Homeschooling has been troublesome to get done but it's combined with the holiday season as well.
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Re: UPDATE: Major Health Issues

Post by ninipelley » Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:45 pm

have you tried melatonin for sleep? check with your doctor, but it is usually really safe! and natural
2011-2012 plan
9.5 yr dd Preparing
7 yr ds finishing LHFHG
4 yr dd learning letters
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