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Anyone switched from Math Mammoth to Singapore?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:34 am
by brokenopen
My boys, 10 and 7, have been using Math Mammoth but I have grown to trust all of Carrie's suggestions so much over the past year of using HOD that I would really like to switch them over to Singapore. Has anyone here made that switch? I haven't done the placement test yet. I DO know that my 10 year old is behind, but we are working on catching him up to level and he is making progress.

Re: Anyone switched from Math Mammoth to Singapore?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:33 pm
by deltagal
We use both. I, personally, have found MM to be the key to success for us in using Singapore.

Re: Anyone switched from Math Mammoth to Singapore?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:03 pm
by Mom2Monkeys
I've used both and since I started Singapore with an older child with no prior experience in the methods, we flopped. After having my then 9yo do Math Mammoth for a year (we did 3a/b) and now completing a couple Singapore supplements that walked us totally through step by step with what was holding us back the most...the problem solving...we are switching both oldest to Singapore and we are READY! I do think MM Is fantastic though and does a fantastic job of teaching Sigapore methods. The printing became troublesome and the pages were a bit too drab and full for us. We really had gaps so I got DD now 10 into Singapore supps at level 3 to get us both ready for full blown singapore. We've done almost all of Visible Thinking 3A and Process Skills 3. I think the key to our switch from MM (or any program) to SM in the later elementary levels is a great understanding of the bar models, place value, and how they word things. We are going with the standards edition simply bc I need the clear guidance of the HIG for my own confidence. I'm learning right along with DD! And even in 5th grade, we are starting with 3B and will just work faster. The measurement and conversions taught in this level will be used throughout the later guides and without that understanding, she won't know how to do the higher levels! Singapore doesn't really reteach a concept. They go back to hit but don't back up to review it, just pick up where you left off and dig deeper. We (I) had issues backing up that far at first, but after the year of MM getting us going in the right direction, then the SM supps taking it farther and deeper, my DD now LOVES math. She is asking to use Sigapre whereas before, she begged not to bc it was so hard. Really pay attention to placement. And know that MM isn't behind so a horizontal placement isn't bad. They both wind up in the same place at the end, but get there in a different order.

I have to justify my replies when I'm on my phone typing, as I ramble more bc I can't see what I've already typed! Sorry it's possibly babbling or disjointed! (and as I've said before, my phone often has a very else auto correct so please excuse any of that!

Re: Anyone switched from Math Mammoth to Singapore?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:54 pm
by brokenopen
Whew!! That's good to know! We are pushing through some MM units to catch up to grade level as well, and I had really hoped we would be able to move over to Singapore since it is sceduled in the guides, and eases my planning! I LOVE that MM focuses on mental math and understanding that there are different ways to solve the same problem while assisting the student to figure out how they solve it best! I hear that Singapore is very similar in that aim, but have been nervous about switching treadmills.

Oldest ds, 10, is racing through multiplication and division in MM now. He understands the concepts well already and we r just trying to eliminate any holes. He has also done PV3. Hopefully we can figure out his correct placement in Singapore. Younger ds, 7, is in MM 2A&B and is doing well. He has done PV1.

Re: Anyone switched from Math Mammoth to Singapore?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:57 am
by HollyS
We've used both in the past, and I think the math process is very similar. We are back to using only SM, but I plan on adding MM if we ever need more review than SM. My oldest prefers SM...I think because of the colorful texts as well as the manipulative-based lessons.