Possibly switching to HOD...have some questions
Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:11 pm
We are in our second year of homeschooling around here and things are going well with the exception of one thing. We are using MFW ECC and really enjoy it. My dd (will be 11yo this month) is doing great with it, but it is for the most part over the heads of ds7 and ds6. Because of this I'm thinking of using HOD (probably BLHFHG, did I get that right? lol!) with the boys after Christmas and continuing on with ECC for dd. I'm thinking ahead to next year though and if all goes well and it seems like a good fit, I'd like to have dd use HOD as well. I have no idea where to place her though. According to the charts, I think she will fit best under RTR, but she's not had ancient history yet, so would that be odd to begin her there? Besides, I'd hoped she could do American history b/c she's not had a full year of that either...or is that even a big deal ? She will be a sixth grader next year, so I'm stressed b/c I feel like she's getting to the point where it matters more what we do. I'm completely stumped as to what would be best for her. Suggestions, please???